Hasan Ibn Yusuf Ibn Mutahhar Al-Hilli writes:

وَنَـسَـبُـوا إِلَـى الـنَّـبِـيِّ صَـلَّـى الـلَّـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَآلِـهِ كَـثِـيـرًا مِـنَ الـنَّـقْـصِ رَوَى الْـحُـمَـيْـدِيُّ فِـي الْـجَـمْـعِ بَـيْـنَ الـصَّـحِـيـحَـيْـنِ عَـنْ عَـائِـشَـةَ قَـالَـتْ كُـنْـتُ ألْـعَـبُ بـالـبَـنَـاتِ عِـنْـدَ الـنَّـبِـيِّ صَـلَّـى الـلَّـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَآلِـهِ وكـانَـتْ لِـي صَـوَاحِـبُ يَـلْـعَـبْـنَ مَـعِـي وَكَـانَ رَسُـولُ الـلَّـهِ صَـلَّـى الـلَّـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَآلِـهِ إذَا دَخَـلَ تَـقَـمَّـعْـنَ مِــنْــهُ فَـيُـشِـيـرُ إِلَـيْـهِـنَّ فَيَلْعَبْنَ مَعِي

“They attributed numerous shortcomings to the Prophet (s.). Al-Humaidi narrated in Al-Jam’ Baina s-Sahihain from A’ishah that she said: “I played with dolls at the Prophet (s.) and had companions who played with me. When the Messenger of God (s.) came in and they shielded themselves from him, he pointed out to them what they were playing with me.” [Kashf-ul-Haqq, page 147]

وَحَـدِيـثُ الْـحُـمَـيْـدِيِّ أَيْـضًـا كُـنْـتُ أَلْـعَـبُ بِـالْـبَـنَـاتِ فِـي بَـيْـتِـهِ وَهُـنَّ الـلُّــعَـبُ مَـعَ أَنَّـهُـمْ رَوَوْا فِـي صِـحَـاحِ الْأَحَـادِيـثِ أَنَّ الْـمَـلَائِـكَـةَ لَا تَـدْخُـلُ بَـيْـتًـا فِـيـهِ صُـوَرٌ مُـجَـسَّـمَـةٌ أَوْ تَـمَـاثِـيـلُ وَتَـوَاتَـرَ الـنَّـقْـلُ عَـنْـهُ بِـإِنْـكَـارِ عَـمَـلِ الـصُّـوَرِ وَالـتَّـمَـاثِـيـلِ فَـكَـيْـفَ يَـجُـوزُ لَـهُـمْ نِـسْـبَـةُ هَـذَا إِلَـى الـنَّـبِـيِّ صَـلَّـى الـلَّـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَآلِـهِ وَإِلَـى زَوْجَـتِـهِ مِـنْ عَـمَـلِ الصُّـوَرِ فِـي بَـيْـتِـهِ الَّـذِي أُسِّـسَ لِـلْـعِـبَـادَةِ وَهُـوَ مَـحَـلُّ هُـبُـوطِ الْـمَـلَائِـكَـةِ وَالـرُّوحِ الْأَمِـيـنِ فِـي كُـلِّ وَقْـتٍ

“And likewise, in the words of Al-Humaidi: “I played with dolls in his house and they were playdolls.” Although in the authentic sayings they narrated that the angels do not enter a house where embodied figures or forms are located and from him there has been transmitted consecutively (Mutawatir) the disapproval of the making of figures and forms. How is it then possible for them to attribute to the Prophet (s.) and his wife to put figures in his house, which was built for worship and is the place where the angels and the trustworthy Spirit descend at all times?” [Kashf-ul-Haqq, page 148]

وَلَـمَّـا رَأَى الـنَّـبِـيُّ صَـلَّـى الـلَّـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَآلِـهِ الـصُّـوَرَ فِـي الْـكَـعْـبَـةِ لَـمْ يَـدْخُـلْـهَـا حَـتَّـى مُـحِـيَـتْ مَـعَ أَنَّ الْـكَـعْـبَـةَ بَـيْـتُ الـلَّـهِ تَـعَـالَـى فَـإِذَا امْـتَـنَـعَ مِـنْ دُخُـولِـهِ مَـعَ شَـرَفِـهِ وَعُـلُـوِّ مَـرْتَـبَـتِـهِ فَـكَـيْـفَ يَـتَّـخِـذُ فِـي بَـيْـتِـهِ وَهُـوَ أَدْوَنُ مِـنَ الْـكَـعْـبَـةِ صُـوَرًا وَيَـجْـعَـلُـهُ مَـحَـلًّا لَـهُ

“And when the Prophet (s.) saw the figures in the Ka’bah, he did not enter them until they were removed, although the Ka’bah is the house of God. So if he refrained from entering despite its dignity and high rank, how could he take figures into his house, which is inferior to the Ka’bah, and make it a place for them?” [Kashf-ul-Haqq, pages 148 – 149]


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