
Some people claim that Fatimah (a.) is the only daughter of the Messenger (s.), does the famous author of Al-Kafi agree with this belief?


Muhammad Ibn Ya’qub Al-Kulaini writes:

وتزوج خديجة هو ابن بضع عشرين سنة فولد له منها قبل مبعثه صلى الله عليه وآله القاسم ورقية وزينب وأم كلثوم وولد له بعد المبعث الطيب والطاهر وفاطمة صلوات الله عليهم

“The Prophet (s.) married Khadijah (a.) when he was twenty and a few years old, whereupon Qasim, Ruqayyah, Zainab, and Umm Kulthum were born to him from her before his assignment (as prophet), and after his assignment Tayyib and Tahir and Fatimah (a.) were born to him.” [Al-Kafi, Volume 1 Page 278]

One response to “Al-Kulaini denies, that the Prophet had only one daughter”

  1. […] Imams deny, that the prophet only had one daughter? – – Al-Kulaini denies, that the Prophet had only one daughter – – Al-Mufid denies, that the Prophet had only one daughter […]

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