Mufaddal Ibn Umar reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said: “O Mufaddal, have you recognized Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husain (s.) according to the true nature of their knowledge? O Mufaddal, whoever recognized them according to the true essence of their knowledge, ascended to the highest levels as a believer.” I said: “Let me recognize, O my Lord!” He said: “O Mufaddal, do you know that they knew what God created and called into life and brought into existence and that they knew the word of the fear of God (48: 26) and are the treasurers of the heavens and the earth and the mountains and the land masses and the oceans, and they knew how many stars and angels are in heaven, and the weight of the mountains, and the measure of the sea water, and the rivers thereof, and the springs thereof, and not a leaf that falls down, except that they knew it, and there is not a grain in the darkness of the earth, nor any thing moist, nor anything dry, except that it is written in a clear scripture (6:59), which is in their knowledge, and which they already knew.” I said:”O my lord, I knew this already and confessed it and believed.” He said: “Yes, O favored one, yes, O honored one, yes, O joyful one, yes, O good one, you have proved yourself good enough, and Paradise has proved itself good for you and also for everyone who believes in it.” [Ilzam-un-Nasib of Al-Ha’iri, Volume 1 Page 12]

عن المفضل بن عمر عن الإمام الصادق عليه السلام قال: يا مفضل هل عرفت محمدا وعليا وفاطمة والحسن والحسين صلوات الله عليهم أجمعين كنه معرفتهم قال: يا مفضل من عرفهم كنه معرفتهم كان مؤمنا في السنام الأعلى. قال: قلت: عرفني يا سيدي قال: يا مفضل تعلم أنهم علموا ما خلق الله عز وجل وذراه وبراه وأنهم كلمة التقوى وخزان السماوات والأرضين والجبال والرمال والبحار وعلموا كم في السماء من نجم وملك وكم وزان الجبال وكيل ماء البحر وأنهارها وعيونها وما تسقط من ورقة إلا علموها ولا حبة في ظلمات الأرض ولا رطب ولا يابس إلا في كتاب مبين، وهو في علمهم وقد علموا ذلك فقلت: يا سيدي قد علمت ذلك وأقررت به وآمنت قال: نعم يا مفضل نعم يا مكرم نعم يا محبور نعم يا طيب، طبت وطابت لك الجنة ولكل مؤمن بها

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  1. […] ← Daughters of the Messenger (s.) Muhammad knows every leaf → […]

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