Hasan Ibn Yusuf Ibn Mutahhar Al-Hilli writes:

عبد الله بن سبأ بالسّين المُهملة والباء المُنقّطة تحتها نقطةٌ واحدةٌ غالٍ ملعونٌ حرّقه أمير المؤمنين عليه السّلام بالنّار كان يزعم أنّ عليّا عليه السّلام إله وأنّه نبيّ لعنه الله

“Abdullah Ibn Saba’, with an unpunctured Sin and punctured Ba’, one dot below it, is a cursed exaggerator whom the Commander of the Believers (a.) burned with fire. He claimed that Ali (a.) is God and he is a prophet, God curse him.” [Khulasat-ul-Aqwal, page 372]

Muhammad ibn Ali As-Saduq writes:

بل قصدت إلى إيراد ما افتي به وأحكم بصحته وأعتقد فيه أنه حجة فيما بيني وبين ربي [ … ] وقال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام:  إذا فرغ أحدكم من الصلاة فليرفع يديه إلى السماء ولينصب في الدعاء فقال ابن سبا: يا أمير المؤمنين أليس الله عز وجل بكل مكان قال: بلى قال: فلم يرفع يديه إلى السماء فقال: أو ما تقرأ وفي السماء رزقكم وما توعدون فمن أين يطلب الرزق إلا من موضعه وموضع الرزق وما وعد الله عز وجل السماء [ … ] إن الغلاة لعنهم الله يقولون لو لم يكن علي ربا لما عذبهم بالنار

“Rather, I aimed to mention that which I clarify (fatwa) with and consider as authentic (sahih) and believe that it is a proof between me and my Lord [ … ] and the Commander of the Believers (a.) said: “When one of you is done with prayer, then let him raise his hands to heaven and exert himself in supplication.” Then Ibn Saba’ said: “O Commander of the Believers, is God not in everywhere?” He said: “Yes, He is.” He said: “Then why do you raise your hands to the sky?” Then he said: “Do you not read: “In the sky is your provision and that which is promised to you.” (51:22) From where do you ask for provision except from its place? And the place of provision and that which God promised is the sky.” [ … ] The exaggerators, may God curse them, say that if Ali (a.) had not been God, He would not have punished them with fire.”[Al-Faqih, Volume 1, pages 3 + 325; Volume 3, pages 150 – 151]

Hasan Ibn Ali Ibn Dawud Al-Hilli writes:

عبد الله بن سبأ رجع إلى الكفر وأظهر الغلو كان يدعي النبوة وأن عليا عليه السلام هو الله فاستتابه عليه السلام ثلاثة أيام فلم يرجع فأحرقه في النار في جملة سبعين رجلا ادعوا فيه ذلك

“Abdullah ibn Saba’ returned to disbelief and made public his exaggeration. He claimed to be a prophet and that Ali (a.) is God, after which he called him to repent for three days. But he did not desist from it, whereupon he burned him in the Fire along with seventy people who claimed that about him.” [Rijal Ibn Dawud, page 469]

Hasan Ibn Yusuf Ibn Mutahhar Al-Hilli writes:

عبد الله من أصحاب أمير المؤمنين عليه السّلام الّذي رجع إلى الكُفر وأظهر الغلوّ

“Abdullah, who is among the companions of the Commander of the Believers (a.), is the one who apostasized back to disbelief and used to publicize his exaggeration.” [Khulasat-ul-Aqwal, page 369]

Muhammad Ibn Hasan At-Tusi writes:

عبد الله بن سبا الذي رجع إلى الكفر وأظهر الغلو

“Abdullah ibn Saba’ is the one who returned back to disbelief and publicized his exaggeration.” [Ar-Rijal, page 75]

Yusuf Ibn Ahmad Al-Bahrani writes:

وابن سبا هذا هو الذي كان يزعم أن أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام إله فاستتابه أمير المؤمنين ثلاثة أيام فلم يتب فأحرقه

“This Ibn Saba’ is the one who claimed that the Commander of the Believers (a.) is God. Thereupon, the Commander of the Believers (a.) asked him to repent for three days. But he did not withdraw from it. Thereupon he burned him.” [Al-Hada’iq-un-Nadirah, vol. 8, p. 511]

Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Al-Mufid writes:

والغلاة من المتظاهرين بالاسلام هم الذين نسبوا أمير المؤمنين والائمة من ذريته عليهم السلام إلى الالوهية والنبوة ووصفوهم من الفضل في الدين والدنيا إلى ما تجاوزوا فيه الحد، وخرجوا عن القصد، وهم ضلال كفار حكم فيهم أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام بالقتل والتحريق بالنار وقضت الائمة عليهم السلام عليهم بالاكفار والخروج عن الاسلام

“The exaggerators are among those who profess Islam in outward appearance. They are those who ascribed to the Commander of the Believers (a.) and the Imams (a.) of his progeny to be gods and prophets and they ascribed to them in virtue of religion and this world that with which they crossed the line and overstepped the bounds and they are misguided and disbelievers whom the Commander of the Believers (a.) condemned to execution and burning with fire and the Imams (a.) declared them disbelievers and apostates from Islam.” [Tashih-ul-I’tiqadat, page 131]

Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi writes:

وابن سبا هو الذي كان يزعم أن أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام إله وأنه نبيه واستتابه أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام ثلاثة أيام فلم يتب فأحرقه

“Ibn Saba’ is the one who claimed that the Commander of the Believers (a.) is God and he is his Prophet and the Commander of the Believers (a.) asked him to repent for three days. But he did not withdraw from it. Thereupon he burned him.” [Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 82, p. 319.]

Muhammad Ali Al-Ardabili writes:

عبد الله بن سبا غال ملعون حرقه أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام بالنار كان يزعم أن عليا عليه السلام اله وأنه نبي لعنه الله الذي رجع إلى الكفر وأظهر الغلو

“Abdullah Ibn Saba’ is a cursed exaggerator whom the Commander of the Believers (a.) burned with fire and he claimed that Ali (a.) is God and he is a prophet. God curse him who turned back into disbelief and published his exaggeration.” [Jami’-ur-Ruwat, vol. 1, p. 485]

Muhammad Al-Hurr Al-Amili writes:

في ذكر الكتب المعتمدة التي نقلت منها أحاديث هذا الكتاب وشهد بصحتها مؤلفوها وغيرهم [ … ] ٥٨ – كتاب الرجال للثقة الجليل محمد بن عمر بن عبد العزيز الكشي [ … ] محمد بن عمر بن عبد العزيز الكشي في كتاب الرجال عن محمد بن قولويه عن سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن عثمان العبدي عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن عن عبد الله بن سنان عن أبيه عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: إن عبد الله بن سبأ كان يدعي النبوة، وكان يزعم أن أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام هو الله تعالى عن ذلك فبلغ ذلك أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام فدعاه فسأله فأقر وقال: نعم أنت هو وقد كان ألقي في روعي أنك أنت الله وأنا نبي فقال له أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام: ويلك قد سخر منك الشيطان فارجع عن هذا ثكلتك أمك وتب فأبى فحبسه واستتابه ثلاثة أيام فلم يتب فأخرجه فأحرقه بالنار الحديث

“Citing the trustworthy books from which I have transmitted the sayings of this book and about which their authors and others testified that they are authentic (Sahih), [ … ] 58 – the book Ar-Rijal by the trustworthy and great Muhammad Ibn Umar Ibn Abdi l-Aziz Al-Kashi [ … ] Muhammad Ibn Umar Ibn Abdi l-Aziz in the book Ar-Rijal by Muhammad Ibn Qawlawaih, from Sa’d Ibn Abdillah, from Muhammad Ibn Uthman Al-Abdi, from Yunus Ibn Abdi r-Rahman, from Abdullah Ibn Sinan, from his father that Abu Ja’far (Al-Baqir) said: “Abdullah ibn Saba’ claimed to be a prophet and he claimed that the Commander of the believers (a. ) is God,who is to be cleared of this. Thereupon, the commander of the believers (a.) was informed about it. So he called and asked him, whereupon he confessed and said: “Yes, it is you and I have been enlightened with it that you are God and I am a prophet.” Then the Commander of the Believers (s.) said to him: “Woe to you, Satan has mocked you. So step back from it, may your mother lose you, and repent.” But he refused. So he took him into custody and ordered him to repent for three days. But he did not withdraw from it. Hereupon he burned him.” So much for the statement.” [Wasa’il-ush-Shi’ah, Vol. 30, p. 153 + 158; Vol. 28, p. 336]

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