Asim ibn Humaid reported that Mansur ibn Hazim said: “I said to Abu Abdillah (As-Sadiq): “How is it that I ask you about something, to which you give me an answer about it. Then another comes to you, to which you give him another answer.” Then he said: “We answer people according to the addition and omission.” He said: “I said: “So teach me about the companions of the Messenger of Allah (s). Did they speak the truth about Muhammad (s.) or did they lie?” He said: “Rather, they spoke the truth.” He said: “I said: “Then how is it that they differed.” Then he said: “Don’t you know that someone came to the Messenger of God (s.) and asked him about something, to which he gave him an answer. Then he answered him afterwards with something that abrogated that answer. Thus the sayings (hadith) abrogated each other.” [Al-Kafi of Al-Kulaini, Volume 1, Page 65, Hadith 3]

علي بن إبراهيم عن إبراهيم بن هاشم عن عبد الرحمن بن عمرو بن مسلم عن عاصم بن حميد عن منصور بن حازم قال: قلت لأبي عبد الله عليه السلام: ما بالي أسألك عن المسألة فتجيبني فيها بالجواب ثم يجيئك غيري فتجيبه فيها بجواب آخر فقال: إنا نجيب الناس على الزيادة والنقصان قال قلت: فأخبرني عن أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله صدقوا على محمد صلى الله عليه وآله أم كذبوا قال: بل صدقوا قال قلت: فما بالهم اختلفوا فقال: أما تعلم أن الرجل كان يأتي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فيسأله عن المسألة فيجيبه فيها بالجواب ثم يجيبه بعد ذلك ما ينسخ ذلك الجواب فنسخت الأحاديث بعضها بعضا

Muhammad ibn Musa reported that Musa ibn Nasr said: “Ar-Rida (a.) was asked about the saying of the Prophet (s.): “My companions are like the stars. You will be guided rightly whichever of them you follow.” And about his (s.) saying: “Do not bother my companions.” Then he said: “That is right. He means the one who did not bring in any distortions or changes after him.” One said: “How then does one find out that they have introduced distortions and changes?” He said: “By what they narrate, namely that he (s.) said: “Surely, on the Day of Resurrection, people of my companions will be driven away from my basin as the camels of others are driven away from the water. Then I will say: “My Lord, my companions, my companions.” Whereupon someone says to me: “You do not know what they have introduced after you.” Then they take them to the left, whereupon I say: “Away! To the devil with them.” Do you see now? This refers to the one who did not bring in distortions or changes.” [Al-Uyun of As-Saduq, Volume 1, Page 93, Hadith 33]

الحسين بن أحمد عن محمد بن يحيى عن محمد بن موسى عن موسى بن نصر قال: سئل الرضا عليه السلام عن قول النبي صلى الله عليه وآله أصحابي كالنجوم بأيهم اقتديتم اهتديتم، وعن قوله عليه السلام: دعوا لي أصحابي فقال عليه السلام: هذا صحيح يريد من لم يغير بعده ولم يبدل قيل: وكيف يعلم أنهم قد غيروا أو بدلوا قال: لما يروونه: من أنه صلى الله عليه وآله قال: ليذادن برجال من أصحابي يوم القيامة عن حوضي كما تذاد غرائب الإبل عن الماء فأقول: يا رب أصحابي أصحابي فيقال لي: إنك لا تدري ما أحدثوا بعدك فيؤخذ بهم ذات الشمال فأقول: بعدا وسحقا لهم أفترى هذا لمن لم يغير ولم يبدل
Muhammad ibn Umarah reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said: “Three used to lie about the Messenger of God (s.): Abu Hurairah, Anas ibn Malik and a woman (A’ishah).” Muhammad Taqi Al-Majlisi writes: “Strong (Qawi).” [Sharh-ul-Faqih, Volume 12, page 204]
محمد بن علي بن الحسين عن محمد بن عمارة عن جعفر بن محمد الصادق عليهما السلام قال: ثلاثة كانوا يكذبون على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم أبو هريرة وأنس بن أنس بن مالك وامرأة (عائشة) وقال الشيخ محمد تقي المجلسي: في القوي

Abd-ul-Hamid Ibn Hibatillah reported that Muhammad Ibn Abdillah Al-Iskafi said: “Mu’awiyah appointed people from the Companions and people from the succeeding generation, to narrate repulsive traditions about Ali (a.). Thereupon, they were lying about what he liked. Among them are Abu Hurairah, Amr Ibnu l-As and Mughirah Ibn Shu’bah and from the succeeding generation it was Urwah Ibn Zubair.” He said: “It has been transmitted from Ali (a.) that he said: “The most lying of the people about the Messenger of God (s.) is Abu Hurairah Ad-Dusi.” [Al-Bihar of Al-Majlisi, vol. 33, p. 215]

عبد الحميد بن هبة الله عن محمد بن عبد الله الإسكافي قال: إن معاوية وضع قوما من الصحابة وقوما من التابعين على رواية أخبار قبيحة في علي عليه السلام فاختلقوا ما أرضاه منهم أبو هريرة وعمرو بن العاص والمغيرة بن شعبة ومن التابعين عروة بن الزبير قال: وقد روي عن علي عليه السلام أنه قال: أكذب الناس على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أبو هريرة الدوسي

Ahmad ibn Muhammad reported that Muhammad ibn Is’haq said: “In the days of Ar-Rida (a.), someone in Khorasan swore upon the divorce that Mu’awiyah is not one of the companions of the Messenger of God (s.). Upon this, the knowledgeable (Faqih) gave the information that she was divorced. Then they asked Ar-Rida (a.), whereupon he gave the information that she is not divorced. The knowledgeable people then wrote a letter to him. They sent it to him and informed him: “Why did you say, O son of the Messenger of God, that she is not divorced?”Then he signed in their letter: “I said this because of your tradition from Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri that the Messenger of God (s.) spoke to Maslamah on the day of the conquest (of Mecca) while many had crowded around him: “You are doing well and my companions are doing well and after the conquest there is no emigration.” So he prevented the emigration and did not declare them as his companions.” He said: “Then they turned back to his word.” [Al-Uyun of As-Saduq, Vol. 1, pp. 93 – 94, Hadith 34]

الحسين بن أحمد عن محمد بن يحيى عن أحمد بن محمد عن محمد بن إسحاق قال: حلف رجل بخراسان بالطلاق أن معاوية ليس من أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أيام كان الرضا عليه السلام بها فأفتى الفقهاء بطلاقها فسئل الرضا عليه السلام فأفتى إنها لا تطلق فكتب الفقهاء رقعة وانفذوها إليه وقالوا له: من أين قلت يا بن رسول الله إنها لم تطلق فوقع عليه السلام في رقعتهم: قلت هذا من روايتكم عن أبي سعيد الخدري أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال لمسلمة يوم الفتح وقد كثروا عليه أنتم خير وأصحابي خير ولا هجرة بعد الفتح فأمطل الهجرة ولم يجعل هؤلاء أصحابا له قال: فرجعوا إلى قوله

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