
Can satanic beings change the density of their shapes?


Sulaiman ibn Khusaib reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) was asked: “How did the satans ascend to the heavens, when they resemble human beings in shape and a solid form, and built structures for Solomon son of David (a.), which the children of Adam (a.) were not capable of making?” He said: “As soon as they made an effort, they took a solid form for Solomon (a.), whereas they are of impermeable fine form and their nourishment is breath and the proof of this is their ascent to the sky to steal something audible and the solid body is not capable of ascending to the sky except with a ladder or an aid.” [Bihar-ul-Anwar of Al-Majlisi, Volume 10 page 168 – 169]

عن سليمان بن الخصيب عن الإمام الصادق عليه السلام أنه سئل: كيف صعدت الشياطين إلى السماء وهم أمثال الناس في الخلقة والكثافة، وقد كانوا يبنون لسليمان بن داود من البناء ما يعجز عنه ولد آدم؟ قال غلظوا لسليمان كما سخروا، وهم خلق رقيق غذاؤهم التنسم، والدليل على ذلك صعودهم إلى السماء لاستراق السمع، ولا يقدر الجسم الكثيف على الارتقاء إليها إلا بسلم أو سبب

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