
What does Al-Majlisi say about the question of whether Iblis was an angel or not?


Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi writes: “Be informed, that the knowledgeable became divided, as to whether the devil (Iblis) was one of the angels or not. Thus, the majority of the linguists and especially the Mu’tazilites and many of our fellows like the scholar Al-Mufid held the view that he was not one of the angels but belonged to the hidden (Jinn) and he said: “The reports from the Imams of guidance (a.) conveyed this continuously (Mutawatir) and this is the view held by the followers of the Imams (a.).” A group from the linguists and many from the understanding (Fuqaha’) of the majority held the view that he was one of them (angels) and the scholar At-Tusi, God have mercy on him, held this view in (his book) At-Tibyan and said: “This is reported from Abu Abdillah As-Sadiq (a.) and is evident from our works of interpretation.” On this, the latter group made various statements. It was said that he was a guardian of the Gardens of Paradise and it was said that he had power over the heavens of this world and power over the earth and it was said that he used to control what was between the heavens and the earth, but the correct view is that which Al-Mufid chose, God have mercy on him.” [Qisas-ul-Anbiya’, page 55 – 56]

قال محمد باقر المجلسي: اعلم أن العلماء اختلفوا في أنه هل كان إبليس من الملائكة أم لا فذهب أكثر المتكلمين لا سيما المعتزلة كثير من أصحابنا كالشيخ المفيد قدس سره إلى أنه لم يكن من الملائكة بل كان من الجن قال: وقد جاءت الأخبار به متواترة عن أئمة الهدى سلام الله عليهم هو مذهب الإمامية وذهب جماعة من المتكلمين وكثير من فقهاء الجمهور إلى أنه منهم واختاره شيخ الطائفة رحمه الله في التبيان قال: وهو المروي عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام والظاهر في تفاسيرنا ثم اختلفت الطائفة الأخيرة فقيل: إنه كان خازنا للجنان وقيل: كان له سلطان سماء الدنيا وسلطان الأرض وقيل: كان يسوس ما بين السماء والأرض والحق ما اختاره المفيد رحمه الله




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