Ammar reported that Imam Ali (a.) said about the verse:﴾If We delay their punishment until a counted community (Ummah), they will certainly say: what stops them?﴿ (11:8): “The counted community are the companions of the Riser (Qa’im), three hundred and something with ten.” And to His statement:When We make man taste a mercy from Us, whereupon We withdraw it from him, he is certainly in despair, ungrateful and if We make him taste a mercy from us, after a calamity has befallen him, he certainly says: “The evil has left from me.” Surely he rejoices and boasts.﴿ (11:9-10) he said: “When God enriches a servant, whereupon he experiences some deficiency, he was seized by despair, grief and confusion and when he has been released from it, he rejoices and says: “The evil has left from me.” Surely he rejoices and boasts.” After that He said: ﴾With the exception of those who exercised patience and did good.﴿ (11:11) He said: “They exercised patience, when they had it difficult and did good, when they were prosperous.” [Nur-uth-Thaqalain of Al-Huwaizi, Volume 6, Page 346]

أخبرنا أحمد بن إدريس قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد عن علي بن الحكم عن سيف بن حسان عن هشام بن عمار عن أبيه وكان من أصحاب علي عليه السلام عن علي عليه السلام في قوله: ولئن أخرنا عنهم العذاب إلى أمة معدودة ليقولن ما يحبسه قال: الأمة المعدودة أصحاب القائم الثلثمأة والبضعة عشر، وقوله ولئن أذقنا الانسان منا رحمة ثم نزعناها منه انه ليؤس كفور ولئن أذقناه نعماء بعد ضراء مسته ليقولن ذهب السيئات عني انه لفرح فخور. قال إذا اغنى الله العبد ثم افتقر اصابه الأياس والجزع والهلع وإذا كشف عنه فرح، وقال: ذهب السيئات عني انه لفرح فخور ثم قال: الا الذين صبروا وعملوا الصالحات قال: صبروا في الشدة، وعملوا الصالحات في الرخاء

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