
What is meant by the verse: “We did not send before you a messenger or a prophet, except that, when he wished for something, Satan threw something into his wish, so that God annuls, what Satan threw in. Then God establishes His signs and God is the Knowing and the Wise.” [Al-Hajj 22:52]

وما أرسلنا من قبلك من رسول ولا نبي إلا إذا تمنى ألقى الشيطان في أمنيته فينسخ الله ما يلقي الشيطان ثم يحكم الله آياته والله عليم حكيم


Ali Ibn Ibrahim reported that Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) said: “When Prophet Muhammad (s.) was stricken with poverty, he came to a man from the helpers (of Medina) and said to him: “Do you have anything to eat?” He said: “Yes, O Messenger of God.” He slaughtered and roasted a young goat for him. When some was brought before him, Prophet Muhammad (s.) wished that Ali, Fatimah, Al-Hasan and Al-Husain (a.) were with him. Then Abu Bakr and Umar came. Then Ali (a.) came after them. For this reason, God revealed the verse: “We did not send before you a messenger or a prophet.” (22:52) And no enlightened one: “Except that when he wished for something, Satan threw something into his wish.” By which are meant Abu Bakr and Umar: “So that God annuls what Satan threw in.” By which is meant the circumstance, when Ali (a.) arrived after them: “Then God establishes His signs.” For the people, by which is meant, that God assists the Commander of the Believers (a.).Then He says: “That He may make, that which Satan throws in, as a temptation.” (22:53) By which are meant this (Abu Bakr) and that (Umar): “For those in whose hearts is disease and whose hearts are hardened.” By this is meant the attitude towards the upright Imam. Then He says: “And those, who disbelieve, persist in their doubt about it.” (22:55) By which is meant the doubt about the Commander of the Believers (a.): “Until the Hour suddenly overtakes them or the punishment of a barren day.” Which cannot be compared to any other among the days. Then He says: “On that Day the kingship belongs to God. He will judge between them. Then those who believe and do good deeds will be in the Gardens of Delight. But those who disbelieve and declare our signs to be lies.” (22:56-57) And those who did not show belief (Iman) in the closeness (Wilayah) to the Commander of the Believers (a.) and to the Imams (a.): “To them is a humiliating punishment.” [Bihar-ul-Anwar of Al-Majlisi, Volume 17 Page 86]

عن علي بن إبراهيم عن جعفر بن محمد الصادق عليهم السلام أنه قال: إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أصابه خصاصة فجاء إلى رجل من الأنصار فقال له: هل عندك من طعام؟ فقال: نعم يا رسول الله، وذبح له عناقا وشواه، فلما أدناه منه تمنى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أن يكون معه علي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين عليهم السلام، فجاء أبو بكر وعمر، ثم جاء علي عليه السلام بعدهما، فأنزل الله في ذلك: وما أرسلنا من قبلك من رسول ولا نبي ولا محدث إلا إذا تمنى ألقى الشيطان في أمنيته يعني أبا بكر وعمر فينسخ الله ما يلقي الشيطان يعني لما جاء علي عليه السلام بعدهما، ثم يحكم الله آياته للناس يعني ينصر الله أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام، ثم قال:” ليجعل ما يلقي الشيطان فتنة يعني فلانا (أبا بكر) وفلانا (عمر) للذين في قلوبهم مرض والقاسية قلوبهم يعني إلى الامام المستقيم، ثم قال: ولا يزال الذين كفروا في مرية منه أي في شك من أمير المؤمنين حتى تأتيهم الساعة بغتة أو يأتيهم عذاب يوم عقيم قال: العقيم: الذي لا مثل له في الأيام، ثم قال: الملك يومئذ لله يحكم بينهم فالذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات في جنات النعيم والذين كفروا وكذبوا بآياتنا قال: ولم يؤمنوا بولاية أمير المؤمنين والأئمة عليهم السلام فأولئك لهم عذاب مهين

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