
“They want to extinguish the light of God with their mouths, but God is the perfecter of His light, even though the disbelievers harbor hatred.” [As-Saff 61:8]

يريدون ليطفئوا نور الله بأفواههم والله متم نوره ولو كره الكافرون


Muhammad ibn Al-Fudail reported that he asked Imam Al-Kazim (a.) about the verse: “They want to extinguish the light of God with their mouths.” (61:8) He said: “They want to extinguish the light of God, the closeness (Wilayah) to the Commander of the believers (a.), with their mouths.” I said: “But God is the perfecter of His light.” (61:8) He said: “God is the perfecter of the leadership (Imamah) due to His statement: “Believe in God and His messenger and the light that We sent down.” (64:8) Therefore, the light is the Imam.” I said: “It is He Who sent His Messenger with the guidance and true religion.” (61:9) He said: “It is He Who ordered His Messenger Muhammad to be close (Wilayah) to His representative and the closeness (Wilayah) is the true religion.” I said: “That He may make him victorious over every faith.” (61:9) He said: “That He may make him victorious in the rising of the riser (Qa’im) over all the religions: “Even if those who disbelieve in the closeness (Wilayah) of Ali harbored hatred.” (61:8) I said: “This is a revelation.” He said: “Yes, as far as this wording is concerned, it is a revelation and as for what is besides that, it is an interpretation.” [Al-Burhan of Al-Bahrani, Volume 7 page 562 – 563 Hadith 1]

محمد بن يعقوب: عن علي بن محمد, عن بعض أصحابنا, عن ابن محبوب, عن محمد بن الفضيل, عن أبي الحسن الماضي عليه السلام قال: سألته عن قول الله تعالى: يريدون ليطفئوا نور ٱلله بأفوههم قال: يريدون ليطفئوا ولاية أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام بأفواههم قل ت: وٱلله متم نوره قال: والله متم الإمامة لقوله عز و جل: فآمنوا بٱلله ورسوله وٱلنور ٱلذي أنزلنا فالنور هو الإمام قلت: هو ٱلذي أرسل رسوله بٱلهدى ودين ٱلحق قال: هو الذي أمر رسوله محمدا بالولاية لوصيه, والولاية هي دين الحق قلت: ليظهره على ٱلدين كله قال: يظهره على جميع الأديان عند قيام القائم عليه السلام ولو كره ٱلكفرون بولاية علي قلت: هذا تنزيل قال: نعم أما هذا الحرف فتنزيل وأما غيره فتأويل

Ammar ibn Musa reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said: “The earth does not remain without a proof, a knowledgable who brings to life on it, that which they let die of the truth.” He then read the verse: “They want to extinguish the light of God with their mouths, but God is the perfecter of His light, even though the disbelievers harbored hatred.” (61:8) [Nur-uth-Thaqalain of Al-Huwaizi, Volume 5 page 317 Hadith 28]

في كتاب كمال الدين وتمام النعمة باسناده إلى عمار بن موسى الساباطي عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سمعته وهو يقول: لم تخل الأرض من حجة عالم يحيى فيها ما يميتون من الحق، ثم تلا هذه الآية: يريدون ليطفئوا نور الله بأفواههم والله متم نوره ولو كره الكافرون

Abu Al-Hasan Al-Qummi writes: “Regarding the verse: “They want to extinguish the light of God with their mouths, but God is the perfecter of His light (61:8).” So He said: “By the Riser (Qa’im) from the family of Muhammad (s.), until he goes out, so that God may make him victorious over every religion, so that none may be worshiped besides God.” This is his statement: “He fills the earth with justice and righteousness just as it was filled with injustice and tyranny.” [Tafsir Al-Qummi, Vol. 2 page 365]

قال أبو الحسن القمي: وقوله يريدون ليطفؤا نور الله بأفواهم والله متم نوره قال بالقائم من ال محمد عليهم السلام حتى إذا خرج يظهره الله على الدين كله حتى لا يعبد غير الله وهو قوله ” يملأ الأرض قسطا وعدلا كما ملئت ظلما وجورا

Muhammad ibn Al-Fudail reported that he asked Imam Al-Kazim (a.) about the verse: “They want to extinguish the light of God with their mouths.” (61:8) He said: “They want to extinguish the closeness (Wilayah) to the Commander of the Believers (a.) with their mouths.” I said: “But God is the perfecter of His light.” (61:8) He said: “God is the Completer of the Leadership and the Leadership is the Light and this is His statement: “Believe in God and His Messenger and the Light that We sent down.” (64:8) The light is the Imam.” [Nur-uth-Thaqalain of Al-Huwaizi, Volume 5 page 317 Hadith 27]

أحمد بن إدريس عن الحسين بن عبيد الله عن محمد بن الحسن و موسى بن عمر عن الحسن بن محبوب عن محمد بن الفضيل عن أبي الحسن عليه السلام قال: سألته عن قول الله تبارك وتعالى: يريدون ليطفئوا نور الله بأفواههم قال: ليطفئوا ولاية أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام فأفواههم قلت: والله متم نوره قال يقول: والله متم الإمامة والإمامة هي النور وذلك قوله: آمنوا بالله ورسوله والنور الذي أنزلنا قال: النور هو الامام

Abu Al-Jarud reported that Imam Al-Baqir (a.) said: “They want to extinguish the light of God with their mouths, (61:8) by God, even if you had desisted from this command, God would not have desisted from it.” [Al-Burhan of Al-Bahrani, Volume 7 page 527 Hadith 3]

محمد بن العباس, قال: حدثنا علي بن عبد الله, عن إسماعيل بن إسحاق, عن يحيى بن هاشم, عن أبي الجارود عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام أنه قال: يريدون ليطفئوا نور ٱلله بأفوههم وٱلله متم نوره و الله لو تركتم هذا الأمر ما تركه الله

Salman Al-Farisi reported that Imam Ali (a.) said: “I am the eye of God on His earth, I am the speaking tongue of God among His creation, I am the light of God that one does not extinguish, I am the door of God from which one enters and I am His proof for His servants.” [Bihar-ul-Anwar of Al-Majlisi, Volume 27 Page 34 Hadith 5]

عن سلمان الفارسي رضي الله عنه عن أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام قال: أنا عين الله في أرضه أنا لسان الله الناطق في خلقه أنا نور الله الذي لا يطفأ أنا باب الله الذي يؤتى منه وحجته على عباده

Abu Khalid Al-Kabuli reported that he asked Imam Al-Baqir (a.) about the verse: “Believe in God and His Messenger and the light that We have sent down.” (64:8) He said: “O Abu Khalid, by God, the light is the light of the Imams from the family of Muhammad (a.) until the Day of Resurrection and by God, they are the light of God which He has sent down and by God, they are the light of God in the heavens and in the world.” [Mikyal-ul-Makarim of Al-Isfahani, Volume 1 page 231]

ما رواه ثقة الإسلام الكليني رحمه الله في أصول الكافي عن أبي خالد الكابلي، قال سألت أبا جعفر عليه السلام عن قول الله عز وجل فآمنوا بالله ورسوله والنور الذي أنزلنا فقال عليه السلام: يا أبا خالد، النور والله نور الأئمة من آل محمد عليهم السلام إلى يوم القيامة وهم والله نور الله الذي أنزل، وهم والله نور الله في السماوات والأرض

Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.) reported that Prophet Muhammad (s.) said: “God took a glance at the inhabitants of the earth and chose me from among them. After that, He took a second glance at them and chose Ali as my brother and as my advisor and as my heir and as my representative and as my successor for my community and as the close one (Wali) of every believer after me. Whoever turned to him, turned to God and whoever opposed him, opposed God, and whoever loved him, loved God and whoever was angry with him, became angry with God. By God, no one loves him except a believer and no one is angry with him except an disbeliever. He is the light of the world after me and its pillar and he is the word of God-fearing and the firmest handhold.” After that, the Messenger (s.) read: “They want to extinguish the light of God with their mouths, (61:8) but God does not allow it except that He completes His light, even if the disbelievers harbored hatred.” O people, let the present one of you inform this saying of mine to the absent one of you, O God, I take You as a witness against them! O people, God took a third glance at them and chose eleven Imams after me and after Ali son of Abu Talib, one after the other. Whenever one passed away, another one rose, like the stars. Whenever one star sets, another star rises. Neither does he who makes schemes against them harm them, nor does he who abandons them. They are the proof of God for His earth and His witnesses over His creation. Whoever obeyed them obeyed God, and whoever opposed them opposed God. They are with the Qur’an and the Qur’an is with them. Neither does it separate from them nor do they separate from it until they arrive at me at the Pool (of Paradise).” [Al-Burhan of Al-Bahrani, Volume 7 page 527 – 528 Hadith 4]

محمد بن الحسين, عن محمد بن وهبان, عن أحمد بن جعفر الصولي, عن علي بن الحسين, عن حميد بن الربيع, عن هشيم بن بشير, عن أبي إسحاق الحارث بن عبد الله الحاسدي, عن علي عليه السلام قال: صعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه و آله المنبر فقال: إن الله نظر إلى أهل الأرض نظرة فاختارني منهم, ثم نظر ثانية فاختار عليا أخي و وزيري و وارثي و وصيي, و خليفتي في أمتي, و ولي كل مؤمن بعدي, من تولاه تولى الله, و من عاداه عادى الله , و من أحبه أحبه الله, و من أبغضه أبغضه الله, و الله لا يحبه إلا مؤمن, و لا يبغضه إلا كافر, و هو نور الأرض بعدي و ركنها, و هو كلمة التقوى و العروة الوثقى, ثم تلا رسول الله صلى الله عليه و آله يريدون أن يطفئوا نور ٱلله بأفوههم ويأبى ٱلله إلا أن يتم نوره ولو كره لكافرون يا أيها الناس, ليبلغ مقالتي هذه شاهدكم غائبكم, اللهم إني أشهدك عليهم. أيها الناس, و إن الله نظر ثالثة, و اختار بعدي و بعد علي بن أبي طالب أحد عالشر إماما, واحدا بعد واحد, كلما هلك واحد قام واحد, كمثل نجوم السماء, كلما غاب نجم طلع نجم, هداة مهديون, لا يضرهم كيد من كادهم , و خذلان من خذلهم, هم حجة الله في أرضه, و شهداؤه على خلقه, من أطاعهم أطاع الله, و من عصاهم عصى الله, هم مع القرآن و القرآن معهم, لا يفارقهم و لا يفارقونه حتى, يردوا علي الحوض

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