
“God has set as an example, for those who disbelieve, the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. They were both subject to two of our righteous servants. But they were unfaithful to them, so they could not avail them in the sight of God. And it was said: ‘Enter into the Fire with those who enter.” [At-Tahrim 66:10]

ضرب الله مثلا للذين كفروا امرأت نوح وامرأت لوط كانتا تحت عبدين من عبادنا صالحين فخانتاهما فلم يغنيا عنهما من الله شيئا وقيل ادخلا النار مع الداخلين

Sharaf-ud-Din reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said: “The Word of the Exalted says: “God has set as an example, for those who disbelieve, the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot.” (66:10) God made the example for Aishah and Hafsah when they assisted each other against Prophet Muhammad (s.) and shared his secret.” [Al-Burhan Fi Tafsir Al-Qur’an by Al-Bahrani, Volume 8 page 62]

عن هاشم بن سليمان عن شرف الدين رضي الله عنهما عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قوله تعالى ضرب الله مثلا للذين كفروا امرأة نوح وامرأة لوط الآية مثل ضربه الله سبحانه لعائشة وحفصة إذ تظاهرتا على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وأفشتا سره

Zurarah reported that Imam Al-Baqir (a.) said: “Prophet Muhammad (s.) got married and it was related to the matter of the wife of Noah (a.) and Lot (a.), that had already happened: “They both were under two of our righteous servants.” (66:10) I said: “The Messenger (s.) was not in my situation with this. She was under his power and submitted to his judgment and confession.” He said to me: “What do you know, about the unfaithfulness that the word of God is mentioning: “they were unfaithful to them?” (66:10) Nothing else is meant by this but the shamefulness.” [Al-Kafi of Al-Kulaini, Volume 2 page 402 Hadith 2]

علي بن إبراهيم عن محمد بن عيسى عن يونس عن رجل عن زرارة عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام وذكر حديثا طويلا يقول فيه عليه السلام: قد كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله تزوج وقد كان من أمر امرأة نوح وامرأة لوط ما كان، انهما قد كانتا تحت عبدين من عبادنا صالحين، قلت: ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ليس في ذلك بمنزلتي انما هي تحت يده وهي مقرة بحكمه مقرة بدينه، قال: فقال لي: ما ترى من الخيانة في قول الله عز وجل: فخانتاهما ما يعنى بذلك الا الفاحش

Zurarah reported that Imam Al-Baqir (a.) said: “In the Word of God it says: “They were unfaithful to them.” (66:10) This does not mean anything other than (the shamefulness).” Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi wrote: “Trustworthy (Muwaththaq).” [Al-Kafi by Al-Kulaini, Volume 5 page 350 Hadith 12; Mir’at-ul-Uqul by Al-Majlisi, Volume 20 page 52]

محمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن محمد، عن ابن فضال، عن ابن بكير، عن زرارة، عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: في قول الله عز وجل: فخانتاهما ما عنى بذلك إلا (الفاحشة) وقال شيخ الإسلام المجلسي رضي الله عنه: موثق

Abu Al-Hasan Al-Qummi writes: “By God, with His word: “They were unfaithful to them.” (66:10) Nothing else is meant but the shamefulness and that woman (Aishah) will receive the punishment for transgressing the legal regulations of God. When she was on her way to Basra, she loved Talhah. When she intended to go out to Basra, Talhah said to her: “It is not permitted for you, to go out without a husband who is allowed to you.” Therefore, she married Talhah.” [Tafsir Al-Qummi, Vol. 2 page 377]

قال شيخ أبو الحسن القمي رضي الله عنه: والله ما عنى بقوله فخانتاهما الا الفاحشة وليقيمن الحد على فلانة (عائشة) فيما أتت في طريق البصرة، وكان طلحة يحبها، فلما أرادت ان تخرج إلى البصرة قال لها طلحة: لا يحل لك أن تخرجي من غير محرم فزوجت نفسها من طلحة

Abu Maitham Ibn Abi Yahya reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said: “There is no born, except that a Satan of the Satans is present. If God was aware that it is one of our followers, then He protected it from this Satan and if it is not one of our followers, then Satan would endorse his forefinger in its buttocks, so that it would become an man that is attended (by other men i.e homosexual) and if it is a woman, then Satan would endorse his forefinger in her private part, so that it would become a woman that transgresses the limit. At that time the child cries very hard, when it leaves the womb of its mother and after that God erases and confirms, what He wants and with Him is the mother of the Book (13:39).” [Bihar-ul-Anwar of Al-Majlisi, Volume 4 page 121 Hadith 64]

عن أبي ميثم بن أبي يحيى عن جعفر بن محمد عليه السلام قال: ما من مولود يولد إلا وإبليس من الأبالسة بحضرته، فان علم الله أنه من شيعتنا حجبه من ذلك الشيطان، وإن لم يكن من شيعتنا أثبت الشيطان إصبعه السبابة في دبره فكان مأبونا فإن كان امرأة أثبت في فرجها فكانت فاجرة فعند ذلك يبكي الصبي بكاءا شديدا إذا هو خرج من بطن أمه، والله بعد ذلك يمحو ما يشاء ويثبت وعنده أم الكتاب

The followers of Umar point to something similar.


Muhammad Ibn Jarir At-Tabari mentions the verse: “O you wives of the Prophet, if one of you commits a clear indecency, the punishment will be doubled for her. And that is easy for God.” (33:30) And writes: “If one of you engages in illegitimate intercourse, for which it is known that God made the punishment obligatory for transgressing His legal regulation.” [Tafsir At-Tabari, Vol. 20 page 255]

قال محمد بن جرير الطبري في قوله تعالى يا نساء النبي من يأت منكن بفاحشة مبينة من يزن منكن الزنا المعروف الذي أوجب الله عليه الحد

Aishah reported that Prophet Muhammad (s.) said: “However, O Aishah, I heard about you this and that. If you are innocent, then God will absolve you and if you have committed the misdeed, then ask God for forgiveness and turn to Him, because if the servant confesses and repents, then God turns to him.” [Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith 3910]

حدثنا عبد العزيز بن عبد الله حدثنا إبراهيم بن سعد عن صالح عن ابن شهاب قال حدثني عروة بن الزبير وسعيد بن المسيب وعلقمة بن وقاص وعبيد الله بن عبد الله بن عتبة بن مسعود عن عائشة عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: أما بعد يا عائشة إنه بلغني عنك كذا وكذا فإن كنت بريئة فسيبرئك الله وإن كنت ألممت بذنب فاستغفري الله وتوبي إليه فإن العبد إذا اعترف ثم تاب تاب الله عليه

Abdullah ibn Abbas reported, that he said to Umar ibn Al-Khattab: “O Commander of the Believers, who are the women among the wives of Prophet Muhammad (s.) about whom the Exalted says: “You should both turn to God repentantly because your hearts have deviated. If you assist each other against Him, God is His Protector and Gabriel, the righteous of the believers, and moreover the angels will assist (Him).” (66:4) He said: “I am astonished at you, O son of Abbas! The two are Aishah and Hafsah.” [Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith 4895]

حدثنا أبو اليمان أخبرنا شعيب عن الزهري قال أخبرني عبيد الله بن عبد الله بن أبي ثور عن عبد الله بن عباس عن عمر بن الخطاب قال: فقلت له يا أمير المؤمنين من المرأتان من أزواج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم اللتان قال الله تعالى إن تتوبا إلى الله فقد صغت قلوبكما قال واعجبا لك يا ابن عباس هما عائشة وحفصة

Anas reported that Umar ibn al-Khattab said: “The wives of the Prophet (s) assisted each other against him out of jealousy. Therefore, I said: “Perhaps when his Lord divorces you, he will give him better wives than you in your place, Muslim, believing, obedient, repentant, pious, fasting, previously married, and virgins.” (66:5) Thereupon that sign was revealed.” [Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith 4632]

حدثنا عمرو بن عون حدثنا هشيم عن حميد عن أنس قال قال عمر رضي الله عنه اجتمع نساء النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في الغيرة عليه فقلت لهن عسى ربه إن طلقكن أن يبدله أزواجا خيرا منكن فنزلت هذه الآية

Sa’id reported that Qatadah said: “I heard Al-Hasan reading the sign: “He is not one of your people. He is a deed that is not righteous.” (11:46) After that he said: “By God, he was not his biological son!” He then read this sign: “God has set as an example for those who disbelieve the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. They were both subject to two of our righteous servants. But they were unfaithful to them, so they could be of no use before God. And it was said: ”Enter into the fire with those who enter.” (66:10) Sa’id mentioned this to Qatadah and he said: “It does not befit him, to take an oath.” [Tafsir At-Tabari, Volume 15 page 341 Hadith 18214]

حدثنا بشر قال حدثنا يزيد قال حدثنا سعيد عن قتادة قال سمعت الحسن يقرأ هذه الآية: إنه ليس من أهلك إنه عمل غير صالح فقال عند ذلك والله ما كان ابنه ثم قرأ هذه الآية فخانتاهما قال سعيد: فذكرت ذلك لقتادة، قال: ما كان ينبغي له أن يحلف

Ma’mar reported that Qatadah said: “I was with Al-Hasan and he said: “Noah called out to his son? By the life of God, he was not his biological son!” I said: “O father of Sa’id, He says: “Noah called out to his son!” (11:43) And you say: “He was not his biological son?” Al-Hasan said: “Did you not read His word: “He is not of your people?” (11:46) I said: “He is not one of your people, whom I will save with you. The people of the book agree that he is His biological son!” He said: “The People of the Book are lying!” [Tafsir At-Tabari, Volume 15 page 341 Hadith 18213]

حدثنا الحسن بن يحيى قال، أخبرنا عبد الرزاق، قال: أخبرنا معمر، عن قتادة قال: كنت عند الحسن فقال: نادى نوح ابنه لعمر الله ما هو ابنه! قال: قلت: يا أبا سعيد يقول: ونادى نوح ابنه وتقول: ليس بابنه؟ قال: أفرأيت قوله: إنه ليس من أهلك قال: قلت إنه ليس من أهلك الذين وعدتك أن أنجيهم معك، ولا يختلف أهل الكتاب أنه ابنه. قال: إن أهل الكتاب يكذبون

Ibn Ulayyah reported, that Al-Hasan said: “No, by God, he is not his biological son!” [Tafsir At-Tabari, Volume 15 page 340 Hadith 18210]

حدثنا ابن وكيع قال، حدثنا ابن علية عن أصحاب ابن أبي عروبة فيهم عن الحسن قال لا والله ما هو بابنه

Awf reported that Al-Hasan said: “As for His word: “He is not one of your people.” (11:46) So he was not his biological son.” [Tafsir At-Tabari, Volume 15 page 340 Hadith 18208]

حدثني يعقوب بن إبراهيم قال، حدثنا هشيم، عن عوف، عن الحسن، في قوله إنه ليس من أهلك قال: لم يكن ابنه

Awf and Mansur reported that Al-Hasan said: “It is said: “He is not one of your people.” (11:46) For he was not his biological son.” He used to read it as: “He is a deed, that is not righteous.” [Tafsir At-Tabari, Volume 15 page 340 Hadith 18212]

حدثني المثنى قال، حدثنا عمرو بن عون قال، حدثنا هشيم، عن عوف، ومنصور، عن الحسن في قوله إنه ليس من أهلك  قال لم يكن ابنه وكان يقرؤها إنه عمل غير صالح

Hajjaj reported that Ibn Juraij said: “As for His word: “Noah called to his son.” (11:43) So he called him and thought, that he was his biological son and that he was conceived on his matrimonial bed.” [Tafsir At-Tabari, Volume 15 page 343 Hadith 18218]

حدثنا القاسم قال، حدثنا الحسين قال، حدثني حجاج عن ابن جريج في قوله ونادى نوح ابنه قال: ناداه وهو يحسبه أنه ابنه وكان ولد على فراشه

Ibn Nujaih reported that Mujahid mentioned the verse: “Do not ask Me for what you do not know.” (11:46) He said: “Noah (a.) received clear proof, that he is not his biological son.” [Tafsir At-Tabari, Volume 15 page 341 Hadith 18215]

حدثني محمد بن عمرو قال، حدثنا أبو عاصم قال، حدثنا عيسى، عن ابن أبي نجيح، عن مجاهد: فلا تسألن ما ليس لك به علم قال: تبين لنوح أنه ليس بابنه

Ibn Nujaih reported that Mujahid mentioned the verse: “Do not ask Me for what you do not know.” (11:46) He said: “God gave Noah (a.) the clear proof that he is not his biological son.” [Tafsir At-Tabari, Volume 15 page 342 Hadith 18216]

حدثني المثنى قال، حدثنا أبو حذيفة قال، حدثنا شبل، عن ابن أبي نجيح، عن مجاهد فلا تسألني ما ليس لك به علم قال: بين الله لنوح أنه ليس بابنه

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