Wahid al-Behbehani writes: ,,There has been no change in the Qur’an, which would prevent one from relying on it and the Companions agreed with this. But they differed on whether there was a change or not. And what is evident from the many reports, it [the change] took place.” [Al-Fawaid al-Ha`iriyah, page 286]

ومقتضى الأدلة المزبورة: أنه لم يقع في القرآن تغير مانع عن الاحتجاج، والأصحاب متفقون على ذلك
لكنهم اختلفوا في أنه هل وقع فيه تغير أم لا؟ الظاهر من الأخبار الكثيرة هو الوقوع

Nimatullah al-Jazairi writes: ,,Our companions and teachers reported in books of Usul and others, many traditions, reaching the level of mutawatir [consecutive], that the distortion of the Qur`an took place and many deletions and some insertions.” [Nur al-Barahin, vol. 1, p. 526]

فنقول: روى أصحابنا ومشايخنا في كتب الأصول من الحديث وغيرها أخبارا كثيرة بلغت حد التواتر في أن القرآن قد عرض له التحريف وكثير من النقصان وبعض الزيادة


Nimatullah al-Jazairi writes: ,,And our reports, that the distortion and deletion took place in the Qur`an, are consecutive [mutawatir], so we cannot reject it. And it is amazing how as-Saduq, Amin-ul-Islam at-Tabarsi and al-Murtadha in some of their works rejected it and claimed, that that, which Allah revealed, was this transcript, although that means rejecting reports that are consecutive [mutawatir].” [Nur-ul-Anwar, page 63]

Ni`matullah al-Jaza`iri also writes: ,,And if you say, how can it still be permissible to read this Qur’an despite all this tampering, I say: It has been reported in the traditions that they [the Imams] ordered their followers to read this Qur’an in their prayers and in other matters and to act according to its orders until our master, the Commander of Time [Imam al-Mahdi] appears and this Qur’an will be lifted up from the hands of the people to the sky and the Qur’an of Ameer-ul-Mumineen (a) will be brought to light so that it will be read and judged according to it.” [Al-Anwar Al-Nu’maniyyah, vol. 2, p. 317]

فإن قلت كيف جاز القراءة في هذا القرآن مع ما لحقه من التغيير ، قلت قد روي في الآخبار أنهم عليهم السلام أمروا شيعتهم بقراءة هذا الموجود من القرآن في الصلاة وغيرها والعمل بأحكامه حتى يظهر مولانا صاحب الزمان فيرتفع هذا القرآن من أيدي الناس إلى السماء ويخرج القرآن الذي ألفه أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام فيقرى ويعمل بأحكامه

Al-Majlisi writes: ,,Uthman removed from this Qur`an 3 things: the virtues of the Commander of the Faithful and his family, vilification of the Quraish and the 3 Caliphs like this verse {O woe unto me! Would that I had not taken Abu Bakr as my confidant} [25:28] [Tadhkirat-ul-`Aimmah, page 9]

والمجلسي يصرح قائلا
أن عثمان حذف عن هذا القرآن ثلاثة أشياء: مناقب أمير المؤمنين علي، وأهل البيت، وذم قريش والخلفاء الثلاثة مثل آية يا ليتني لم أتخذ أبا بكر خليلا تذكرة الأئمة المجلسي ص 9

Question: ,,Are the words of Sheikh al-Mufid and Abu l-Hasan al-`Amili and Sayyed Ni`matullah al-Jazairi and al-Majlisi and others, despite their virtues and high position, about the distortion of the Qur`an, true?”

Answer: [Ali al-Milani replies]: ,,In the name of God, we do not deny the existence of a few among our Qur`an exegetes about the deletion of the Holy Qur`an and this statement has been refuted, but we are not allowed to criticize them.”

هل صحيح هو قول الشيخ المفيد وأبو الحسن العاملي والسيد نعمة الله الجزائري والمجلسي وغيرهم ـ مع ما لهم من الفضل والدرجة العلمية الرفيعة ـ بتحريف القرآن؟

بسمه تعالى

نحن لا ننكر وجود عددٍ قليل جداً من المحدّثين عندنا يقولون بنقصان القرآن الكريم، وكونه قولاً مردوداً لا يقدح بالدرجة العلمية للقائلين به، ولا يجوّز لنا الطعن فيهم

Al-Faydh al-Kashani writes: ,,The use of these and other traditions of the Ahl-al-Bait (a) is, that the Qur`an, we possess does not correspond in its entirety to what Allah revealed to Muhammad (s). Rather, it contains what is contrary to what Allah has revealed and in it are changes and distortions and much of it has been removed such as the name of Ali (a) in several places. Moreover, it is not in the order with which Allah and His Prophet (s) are pleased with.” [Tafsir Al-Safi, vol. 1, p. 49]

المستفاد من مجمع هذه الأخبار وغيرها من الروايات من طريق أهل البيت (عيهم السلام) إن القرآن الذي بين أظهرنا ليس بتمامه كما انزل على محمد (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) منه ما هو خلاف ما أنزل الله ومنه ما هو مغير ومحرف وإنه قد حذف عنه أشياء كثيرة منها اسم علي (عليه السلام) في كثير من المواضع ومنها غير ذلك وأنه ليس أيضا على الترتيب المرضي عند الله وعند رسوله (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)

,,This is what I have for the solution of this problem and Allah knows the truth. As for the belief of our teachers, then it is obvious from Thiqat-ul-Islam Muhammad ibn Ya’qub al-Kulayni, that he believed in the distortion and incompleteness of the Qur`an, for he narrated traditions, in this regard in his book al-Kafi, without criticizing them, writing in the preface of his book that he considered that which he narrated in it, to be reliable. And so did his teacher Ali ibn Ibrahim al-Qummi, whose tafsir is full of it [about the distortion of the Qur`an] and who had exceeded in it and also Sheikh Ahmad ibn Abi Talib at-Tabrasi, who followed in the footsteps of the two in his book al-Ihtijaj.” [Tafsir as-Safi page 47.]

هذا ما عندي من التفصي عن الاشكال والله يعلم حقيقة الحال. واما اعتقاد مشايخنا (ره) في ذلك فالظاهر من ثقة الاسلام محمد بن يعقوب الكليني طاب ثراه أنه كان يعتقد التحريف والنقصان في القرآن لأنه روى روايات في هذا المعنى في كتابه الكافي ولم يتعرض لقدح فيها مع أنه ذكر في أول الكتاب أنه كان يثق بما رواه فيه وكذلك أستاذه علي بن إبراهيم القمي (ره) فان تفسيره مملو منه وله غلو فيه، وكذلك الشيخ أحمد بن أبي طالب الطبرسي (رضي الله عنه) فإنه أيضا نسج على منوالهما

Abdullah Shubbar writes: ,,The Qur`an which was revealed to the Prophet (s) is more than we have in our hands today. In accordance with countless reports that are consecutive [mutawatir], many things have been left out.” [Masabihu l-Anwar, vol. 2, p. 295]

بأنّ القرآن الذي أُنزل على النبي صلّى اللّه عليه وآله وسلّم أكثر ممّا في أيدينا اليوم وقد أُسقط منه شيء كثير، كما دلّت عليه الأخبار المتظافرة التي كادت أن تكون متواترة

Abu l-Hasan al-Amili writes: ,,Know, that from the trustworthy of Islam, Muhammad ibn Ya’qub Al-Kulaini, may he rest in peace, it comes out clearly that he believed in the distortion and the deletion from the Qur’an, for he narrated in this regard many traditions in the book Al-Kafi, on which he clearly expressed in his preface that he considered that which he reported in it to be reliable and neither did he condemn them in it nor did he mention anything against them and so did his teacher Ali ibn Ibrahim al-Qummi, may he rest in peace.” [Muqaddima Tafsir ul-Burhan, page 83]

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