The Jews and Nazarenes said: ﴾We are the children of God and His beloved ones.﴿ Say: ﴾Why then does He punish you for your sins? Rather, you are a people of those whom He created. He forgives whom He wills and He punishes whom He wills and to God belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and what is between them and to Him is the end.﴿ [Al-Ma’idah 5:18]

وقالت اليهود والنصارى نحن أبناء الله وأحباؤه قل فلم يعذبكم بذنوبكم بل أنتم بشر ممن خلق يغفر لمن يشاء ويعذب من يشاء ولله ملك السماوات والأرض وما بينهما وإليه المصير

Fadl Ibn Hasan reported that Imam Al-Baqir (a.) said: “It (4:49) was revealed about the Jews and Nazarenes when they said: ﴾We are the children of God and His beloved ones.﴿ (5:18) And they said: ﴾No one will enter Paradise except Jews and Nazarenes.﴿” (2:111) [Kanz-ud-Daqa’iq of Al-Mash’hadi, Volume 3, page 442]

الفضل بن الحسن عن محمد بن علي الباقر عليه السلام قال: إنها نزلت في اليهود والنصارى حين قالوا: نحن أبناء الله وأحباؤه وقالوا: لن يدخل الجنة إلا من كان هودا أو نصارى

Anas Ibn Malik reported that Imam Ali (a.) said: “As for your statement about what God does not have, God does not have a child, nor a wife, nor a partner.” [Al-Fada’il of Al-Qumi, page 133]

أنس بن مالك عن علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام قال: وأما قولك عما ليس لله فليس لله ولد ولا صاحبة ولا شريك

Muhammad ibn Ziyad reported that Imam Al-Kazim (a.) said: “Know that God is One, the unique, the Absolute. Neither did He beget so that He inherits, nor was He begotten, so that He becomes involved, nor did He take a wife, nor a child, nor a partner.” [Al-Fusul of Al-Amili, Vol. 1, page 242.]

محمد بن زياد بن عيسى عن موسى بن جعفر الكاظم عليه السلام قال: واعلم أن الله تبارك وتعالى واحد أحد صمد لم يلد فيورث ولم يولد فيشارك و لم يتخذ صاحبة ولا ولدا ولا شريكا

One response to “We are the children of God (5:18)”

  1. – [5] Surah Al-Ma’idah – – Ahlulbayt

    […] Wipe your feet [5:6] – – We are the children of God (5:18) – – These are the sinners [5:47] – – Whoever is close to them, he is from them [5:51 – – While they […]

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