1st question:

An innovator made the claim that Muhammad Taqi Al-Majlisi had consumed marijuana and abstained from it during the obligatory fast. He cited the 4th volume of An-Anwar-un-Nu’maniyyah as his source.


This is a lie.

Ni’matullah Ibn Muhammad Al-Jaza’iri writes:

وقد اختلفت في الحشيشة التي يسمونها الناس بالتتن

“Opinions differed regarding Hashishah, as people call tobacco.” [Al-Anwar-un-Nu’maniyyah, Volume 4 Page 40]

اذا عرفت هذه فاعلم أن جماعة من علماء العصر كالمولى علي تقي وشيخنا الشيخ فخر الدين طُريحي والشيخ التقي الشيخ علي بن سليمان البحريني وبعض فضلاء البحرين وربما تابعهم بعض المتفقهين ذهبوا إلى تحريمه حتى أن المولى علي تقي تغمده الله برحمته صنف كتابا كبيرا في تحريمه وقد اطلعني عليه ولده لما كان يقرأ علي في علم العربية في شيراز وكان مجلدا كبيرا والباقي على التحليل حتى أن التقي المجلسي طاب ثراه كان يشربه في صوم التطوع ويترك استعماله في الصوم الواجب حذرا من كلام العوام

“Now that you have gained knowledge of this, know that a host of the knowledgeable (ulama’) of this time such as Mr. Ali Taqi and our elder Fakhr-ud-Din Turaihi and the elder of At-Taqi, Ali Ibn Sulaiman Al-Bahraini and some of the excellent ones of Bahrain and from time to time some of those who acquire understanding (fiqh) declared it (tobacco) forbidden so that Mr. Ali Taqi, may God bless him, wrote a big book about its prohibition. His son already informed me about it when he was studying with me in Shiraz regarding the knowledge of Arabic language and it was a big volume. The rest persisted on its permission so that even At-Taqi Al-Majlisi, may he rest in peace, took a liking to it and used to take it during voluntary fasting, but out of caution against the gossip of the common people, he refrained from taking it during obligatory fasting.” [Al-Anwar-un-Nu’maniyyah, Volume 4 page 41].

2nd question:

The innovator adds that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) would have said to leave people alone if they love and consume drugs. The accused likewise gave Al-Anwar-un-Nu’maniyyah in the 4th volume as his source.


This is a lie.

Ni’matullah Ibn Muhammad Al-Jaza’iri writes:

ولهم على التحريم دلائل: أولها ما روى عن مولانا الصاديق عليه السلام من قوله: اذا رأيتم الناس أقبلوا على شيء فدعوه. وهذه الحشيشة قد أقبل عليه الناس اقبالا عظيما لا يمكن رد عنهم عنه

“You have the following evidence for the prohibition: The first of these is the statement which was reported from our master Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.), “If you see that people have come together on one thing, refrain from it!” And as for this Hashishah (tobacco), people have come together on it in a large scale, so that they will not refrain from it.” [Al-Anwar-un-Nu’maniyyah, Volume 4 Page 41]

3rd question:

lastly, the innovator claims that Imam Al-Mahdi (a.) appeared to some scholars and instructed them to use drugs. Again, the accuser gave Al-Anwar-un-Nu’maniyyah as the source.


This is a lie.

Ni’matullah Ibn Muhammad Al-Jaza’iri writes:

قال نعمة الله الجزائري رضي الله عنه: فبعضهم نقل أنه رأى الإمام عليه السلام فنهاه عن شربها واستعمالها وبعضهم نقل أنه رأى الإمام عليه السلام وقد أمره باستعمالها

“Some of them reported that they saw Imam Al-Mahdi (a.) and he forbade them from taking (tobacco) and using it and others of them reported, that they saw Imam Al-Mahdi (a.) and he ordered them to use it.” [Al-Anwar-un-Nu’maniyyah, Vol. 4 page 41]


What was tobacco and smoking for Al-Jaza’iri and his contemporaries, the innovators want to call it as marijuana and drugs today. They are welcome to put this translation into practice for themselves and to enjoy it.

Abu Dawud As-Sijistani narrates from Ya’ish Ibn Tikhfah Ibn Qais Al-Ghifari that his father was among the companions of As-Suffah and the Prophet Muhammad (s.) said to them: “Set out with me to the house of Aishah!” Thereupon they set out there and he said: “O Aishah, bring us food!” And Aishah brought Hashishah, so that we took of it. Thereupon he said: “O Aishah, bring us food!” And Aishah brought Haisah, which was small like a fowl, and we took it unto us. Thereupon he said: “O Aishah, bring us something to drink.” And Aishah brought a bowl of milk and we drank. Thereupon he said: “O Aishah, bring us something to drink!” And Aishah brought a small cup and we drank. Then the Prophet (s.) said: “If you wish, spend the night here, or if you wish, go to the mosque.” While I was lying on my stomach, due to the pain in my lungs, a man started shaking me with his foot and then said: “God detests this manner of laying down!” I looked at him and saw that it was Prophet Muhammad (s.). [Sunan Abi Dawud, Hadith 5040 in Arabic, Book 41 Hadith 5022 in English]

قال ابو داود السجستاني: حدثنا محمد بن المثنى حدثنا معاذ بن هشام قال حدثني أبي عن يحيى بن أبي كثير قال حدثنا أبو سلمة بن عبد الرحمن عن يعيش بن طخفة بن قيس الغفاري قال كان أبي من أصحاب الصفة فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم انطلقوا بنا إلى بيت عائشة رضي الله عنها فانطلقنا فقال يا عائشة أطعمينا فجاءت بحشيشة فأكلنا ثم قال يا عائشة أطعمينا فجاءت بحيسة مثل القطاة فأكلنا ثم قال يا عائشة اسقينا فجاءت بعس من لبن فشربنا ثم قال يا عائشة اسقينا فجاءت بقدح صغير فشربنا ثم قال إن شئتم بتم وإن شئتم انطلقتم إلى المسجد قال فبينما أنا مضطجع في المسجد من السحر على بطني إذا رجل يحركني برجله فقال إن هذه ضجعة يبغضها الله قال فنظرت فإذا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

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