Muhammad Amin Ibn Umar Ibn Abidin writes:

تنبيه كلام الشارح والبدائع يشير إلى أن الحق في التمتع للرجل لا للمرأة كما ذكره السيد أبو السعود في حواشي مسكين قال: يتفرع عليه ما ذكره الأبياري شارح الكنز في شرحه للجامع الصغير في شرح قوله عليه الصلاة والسلام: احفظ عورتك إلا من زوجتك أو ما ملكت يمينك من أن للزوج أن ينظر إلى فرج زوجته وحلقة دبرها بخلافها حيث لا تنظر إليه إذا منعها من النظر اه‍. ونقله ط وأقره والظاهر أن المراد ليس لها إجبار على ذلك لا بمعنى أنه لا يحل لها إذا منعها منه لأن من أحكام النكاح حل استمتاع كل منهما بالآخر نعم له وطؤها جبرا إذا امتنعت بلا مانع شرعي وليس لها إجباره على الوطء بعد ما وطئها مرة وإن وجب عليه ديانة أحيانا على ما سيأتي تأمل

“Comment: The statement of the commentator and the astonishing things alludes to the fact, that the man has the right to enjoyment and not the woman. As Sayyid Abu s-Su’ud cited it in Hawashi Miskin. He said: ﴾From this is derived what Al-Abyari, the commentator of Al-Kanz, stated in his explanation of Al-Jami’-us-Saghir. In the commentary to his (s.) saying: “Beware of your nakedness (awrah) except from your partner or that, which possesses your rights.” Namely, that the husband may look at the pubic part of the wife and the discharge opening of her buttocks. As opposed to her, since she will not look at that, if he forbids her to look.﴿ And he gave that back and agreed to it and the obvious thing consists in the fact, that what is meant by that is, that she is not allowed to force him to do it. The discourse is not, that she is not allowed, if he forbids her, because one of the regulations of the being together consists in the permission of being able to enjoy each other. Yes, he may have forced sexual intercourse with her, if she refuses without a legally established impediment and she may not force him to have sexual intercourse with her, after he has attended her once. Even if he is sometimes religiously obliged to it. In accordance, with what will follow. Be mindful.” [Radd-ul-Muhtar, Volume 4, page 60.]


Ibn Abidin was a Hanafi jurist of the Ottoman Empire. He made the legal opinion to kill the Shiites for Yavuz Sultan Selim [Read here!]. A post on causing suffering amongst the spouses can be found [Read here!]

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