Al-Haft Wa l-Azillah, page 87-88:

فقال المفضل أخبرني يا مولاي عن ميلاد الأوصياء فقال الصادق أول العجب أن أمهات الأوصياء ذكور لا إناث قلت يا مولاي سبحان الله كيف ذلك قال الصادق عليه السلام إن الملائكة هم في صورة النساء ثم قرأ أبو عبد الله: وجعلوا الملائكة الذين هم عباد الرحمن إناثا أشهدوا خلقهم ستكتب شهادتهم ويسألون أتدري من عنى بهذا؟ قلت لا يا مولاي قال: يعني بذلك فاطمة

“Then Al-Mufaddal said: ﴾My Lord, tell me about the birth of the Authorized representatives (a.).﴿ Whereupon As-Sadiq (a.) said: ﴾The first miracle is, that the mothers of the Authorized representatives (a.) are men, not female.﴿ I said: ﴾My Lord, praise be to God, how is that?﴿ As-Sadiq (a.) said: ﴾The angels look like women.﴿ Then Abu Abdillah (a.) read: ﴾They declared the angels, who are servants of the Beneficent, to be female. Were they present when they were created? Their testimony will be written down and they will be held accountable. (43:19) Then do you know, who is meant by this?﴿ I said: ﴾No, my Lord.﴿ He said: ﴾With this is meant Fatimah (a.).﴿”


This goes against Quran and traditions, where Fatima (a) is described as a woman and where female pronouns is used for her. 

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