Ni’matullah Ibn Muhammad Al-Jaza’iri writes:

النصيرية والإسحاقية قالوا حل الله في علي فإن ظهور الرواحاني في الجسد الجسماني مما لا ينكر أما في جانب الخير فكظهور جبرائيل عليه السلام بصورة البشر وأما في جانب الشر فكظهور الشيطان في صورة الإنسان قالوا ولما كان علي وأولاده أفضل من غيرهم وكانوا مؤيدين بتأييدات متعلقة بباطن الأسرار قلنا ظهر الحق تعالى بصورتهم ونطق بلسانهم وأخذ بأيديهم ومن ههنا أطلقنا الآلهة على الأئمة ألا ترى أن النبي صلى الله عليه وآله قاتل المشركين وعليا قاتل المنافقين فإن النبي يحكم بالظاهر والله يتولى السرائر

,,The Nusairians and the Ishaqites say: God merged with Ali (a.), because there is nothing reprehensible, that the spiritual manifests itself in the physical. As for the good side, it is like the manifestation of Gabriel (a.) in a human body and as for the bad side, it is like the manifestation of Satan in a human body. They say: Since Ali (a.) and his progeny (a.) are more excellent than all others and they were supported, with what is related to the esoteric mysteries, we then say, that God manifested Himself in their bodies and spoke through their tongues and took them by the hand and that is why we call the Imams (a.) as gods. Do you not see, that the Prophet (s.) fought the idolaters, while Ali (a.) fought the hypocrites, for the Prophet (s.) judges by the outward and God goes by the inward.” [Al-Anwar-un-Nu’maniyyah, vol. 2, p. 211]

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