Silsilat-ut-Turathi l-Alawi, vol. 1, p. 261:

أما الأذان والإقامة فلها خمس وثلاثون كلمة منهن ثمان عشرة كلمة للأذان وسبعة عشرة كلمة للإقامة والذي يقوله بعض الشيعة في الأذان إن محمدا وعليا خير البشر وقولهم محمد خير البشر وعلي خير البرية ليس ذلك من الأذان أو الإقامة

,,As for the call to prayer (Adhan) and the call to congregation (Iqamah), they consist of 35 statements. Of these, 18 statements belong to the call to prayer and 17 statements belong to the call to congregation and what some Shi’ah say in the call to prayer, such as ﴾Muhammad and Ali are the best people﴿ and ﴾Muhammad is the best person﴿ and ﴾Ali is the best creature﴿, does not belong to either the call to prayer or the call to congregation.”

Silsilat-ut-Turathi l-Alawi, vol. 1, p. 260:

سئل العالم إليه التسليم عن قول لا إله إلا الله وعن كل من يقولها فقال: إذا كان يوم القيامة فالذين يسواهم من أهلها سلب منهم لا إله إلا الله وإنه لا يقولها إلا من هو من أهلها وأما الولاية فمقرونة بالشهادة ولا تقبل الشهادة إلا بالولاية وذلك معنى قول الرضا منه الرحمة: بشروحها وأنا من شروطها

,,The knowledgeable (Imam), may one be submitted to him, was asked about the statement ﴾There is no God besides God﴿ and asked about anyone, who effects it, whereupon he said: ﴾When the Day of Resurrection occurs, the statement “There is no God besides God” will be taken away from those, who are not legitimized to it and no one will say it, except those, who are legitimized to it.﴿ And as for the closeness (Wilayah), it is linked to the confession (Shahadah) and the confession is not accepted except with the closeness (Wilayah) and that is what is meant by the statement of Ar-Rida, may the grace come from him: ﴾With his conditions and I belong to his conditions.﴿”

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