Husain An-Nuri At-Tabarsi writes:

هَـذَا كِـتَـابٌ لَـطِـيـفٌ وَسِـفْـرٌ شَـريـفٌ وَيُـسَـمَّـى بِـفَـصْـلِ الْـخِـطَـابِ فِـي إِثْـبَـاتِ تَـحْـرِيـفِ كِـتَـابِ رَبِّ الْأَرْبَـابِ

,,This is a fine book and a noble writing and it bears the name: The Final Decision to Confirm the distortion of the Scripture of the Lord of the Worlds.” [Fasl-ul-Khitab, page 2]

عَـمِـلْـتُـهُ فِـي إِثْـبَــاتِ تَـحْـرِيـفِ الْـقُـرآنِ وَفَـضَـائِـحِ أَهْـلِ الْـجَـوْرِ وَالْـعُـدْوَانِ وَسَـمَّـيْـتُـهُ فَـصْـلَ الْـخِـطَـابِ فِـي تَـحْـرِيـفِ كِـتَـابِ رَبِّ الْأَرْبَـابِ

,,I composed it to prove the distortion of the Qur’an and the evils of the oppressors and the transgressors and I called it: the final decision regarding the distortion of the Scripture of the Lord of the Worlds.” [Fasl-ul-Khitab, page 2]


At-Tabarsi is speaking only of the generally accessible Uthmanic codex (Mus’haf) here.

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