Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) reported that God said to Moses (a.): ,,O Moses, this world is a place of chastisement. I chastised Adam on it, when he committed his misdeed and I declared it to be cursed. What was on it, is cursed, except for that, which is on it for My sake. O Moses, My righteous servants abstained from this world according to their horizon of knowledge and all other creatures sought after this world according to their horizon of ignorance. None considered it great, except that his eyes delighted in it and none considered it small, except that he derived benefit from it.” [Al-Kafi of Al-Kulaini, Volume 2 page 184 Hadith 9]

عن جعفر الصادق عليه السلام عن الله عز وجل أنه قال لموسى عليه السلام: يا موسى إن الدنيا دار عقوبة عاقبت فيها آدم عند خطيئته وجعلتها ملعونة ملعون ما فيها إلا ما كان فيها لي يا موسى إن عبادي الصالحين زهدوا في الدنيا بقدر علمهم وسائر الخلق رغبوا فيها بقدر جهلهم وما من أحد عظمها فقرت عيناه فيها ولم يحقرها أحد إلا انتفع بها

Hasan Ibn Ali reported that Jesus (a.) said: ,,O you, who are in the service of this world, verily, I say to you: ,,Among you dwells the one, who hates his fellow, for that which is conjecture, while he does not hate himself for that, which is a fact.” Verily I say unto you: ,,Among you dwells the one, who hates it when some of his faults are mentioned to him, which are in fact true, while he rejoices, when he is praised for something, which is not true of him.” Truly, I say to you: ,,The satanic spirits are not made of the stuff, of which your hearts are made of.” God granted you this world only, so that you might acquire knowledge on it for the hereafter, but He did not grant it to you, so that you might be distracted by it from the hereafter. It was granted to you only, so that you would know, that He helped you through it, to worship and did not help you through it, to commit transgressions. He only commanded you on it to obey Him and He did not command you on it to disobey Him. He helped you through it, so that you may use what is permitted and He did not permit you, to commit what is forbidden through it. Its space is meant only for you, to be connected on it and its space is not meant, for you to disperse.” [Tuhaf-ul-Uqul of Al-Harrani, page 379 – 380]

عن الحسن بن علي بن شعبة عن السيد المسيح عليه السلام قال: بحق أقول لكم يا عبيد الدنيا إن احدكم يبغض صاحبه على الظن ولا يبغض نفسه على اليقين. بحق أقول لكم إن أحدكم ليغضب إذا ذكر له بعض عيوبه وهي حق ويفرح إذا مدح بما ليس فيه بحق أقول لكم إن أرواح الشياطين ما عمرت في شئ ما عمرت في قلوبكم. فإنما أعطاكم الله الدنيا لتعملوا فيها للآخرة ولم يعطكموها لتشغلكم عن الآخرة وإنما بسطها لكم لتعلموا أنه أعانكم بها على العبادة ولم يعنكم بها على الخطايا و إنما أمركم فيها بطاعته ولم يأمركم فيها بمعصيته، وإنما أعانكم بها على الحلال ولم يحل لكم بها الحرام، وإنما وسعها لكم لتواصلوا فيها ولم يوسعها لكم لتقاطعوا فيها

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