Muhammad ibn Abdi l-Jabbar reported, that Imam Al-Askari (a.) said: ,,O Abu Hashim, the people will face a time, when their faces will be laughing and hopeful, while their hearts will be gloomy and dark. The custom (Sunnah) is a innovation (Bid’ah) among them and the innovation is a custom among them. The believer is considered a degraded person among them and the wrongdoer is considered an honored person among them. Their commanders are ignorant and unjust and their knowledgeable pass through the gates of darkness. Their wealthy steal the livelihood of the needy and their smallest are the leaders of the greatest. Every ignorant person is considered an expert among them and everyone, who makes a financial gain from them, is poor. They do not distinguish between the sincere and the doubtful and do not recognize the sheep among the wolves. Their scholars are the worst creatures on the face of the earth, for they are inclined to philosophy (falsafah) and mysticism (tasawwuf). I swear to God, that they are the people of deviation and misguidance. They exaggerate in loving our opponents and lead our followers and lovers astray. When they hold an office, they do not become satiated with bribes and when they commit deceit, they serve God for the sake of the glances, for they are the ones who cut off the access of the believers and call to the way of the deviant thinkers. Whoever encounters them, let him be warned against them and let him preserve his religion and faith.” Then he said: ,,O Abu Hashim, this was told to me through my father by his fathers from Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) and it is among our secrets. Keep it to yourself, unless, it is to a person who is receptive to it.” [Al-Ithna Ashariyyah of Al-Hurr Al-Amili, page 33 – 34]

نقل السيد المرتضى عن الشيخ المفيد عن أحمد بن محمد بن الحسن بن الوليد عن أبيه عن سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن عبد الجبار عن العسكري عليه السلام أنه كلم أبا هاشم الجعفري فقال يا با هاشم سيأتي على الناس زمان وجوههم ضاحكة مستبشرة وقلوبهم مظلمة منكدرة السنة فيهم بدعة والبدعة فيهم سنة، المؤمن بينهم محقر والفاسق بينهم موقر، أمراؤهم جاهلون جائرون وعلماؤهم في أبواب الظلمة سائرون أغنياؤهم يسرقون زاد الفقراء وأصاغرهم يتقدمون على الكبراء كل جاهل عندهم خبير وكل محيل عندهم فقير لا يميزون بين المخلص والمرتاب ولا يعرفون الضأن من الذئاب علماؤهم شرار خلق الله على وجه الأرض لأنهم يميلون إلى الفلسفة والتصوف وأيم الله إنهم من أهل العدول والتحرف يبالغون في حب مخالفينا ويضلون شيعتنا وموالينا وإن نالوا منصبا لم يشبعوا من الرشا وإن خذلوا عبدوا الله على الريا لأنهم قطاع طريق المؤمنين والدعاة إلى نحلة الملحدين فمن أدركهم فليحذرهم وليصن دينه وإيمانه ثم قال: يا أبا هاشم بهذا حدثني أبي عن آبائه عن جعفر بن محمد عليهما السلام وهو من أسرارنا فاكتمه إلا عن أهله

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