Muhammad Jalal-ud-Din Ar-Rumi writes:

لقد مت من الجمادية وصرت ناميا ومت من النماء وانقلبت حيوانا ومت من الحوانية وصرت إنسانا إذن فمن أي شيء أخاف ومتى نقصت من الموت وأموت مرة أخرى من البشرية حتى أخذ من الملائكة أجنحتها وقوادمها ومن الملائكة ينبغي أن أقلع عن الطلب ذلك أن كل شيء هالك إلا وجهه ثم أصير بعدها فداء من الملائكية وأصير إلى ما لا يحده وهم إذ أصير عدما والعدم كالأرغنون يتغنى قائلا إنا إليه راجعون فاعلم أن الموت هو ما اتفقت عليه الامة من أن ماء الحيوان مخبوء في الظلمة

,,I died from being a mineral and became a plant. I died from being a plant and became an animal. I died from being an animal and became a human being. So what am I afraid of? And when did I diminish from death? And I will die again from being human until I take over from the angels their wings and their heads and from the angels I shall renounce the request. This is because everything is perishable, except for His face. (28:88) After that I will be detached from the angels and I will become that, which is unimaginable. Then I become nothingness and the nothingness sings like the organ, while it speaks: ﴾To Him we return.﴿ (2:156) So know, that death is that, in which the nation agreed and that, is that the water of the beast is hidden in the dark.” [Al-Mathnawi l-Ma’nawi, Volume 3, page 335 – 336]

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