Muhammad ibn Husayn reported, that Prophet Muhammad (s) said:,,The Hour will not come upon my nation until people of my nation will come forth, who are called the mystics (Sufi). They are neither from me nor am I from them and they are the Jews of my nation, who shear for the remembrance and raise their voices for the remembrance (dhikr), thinking that they are on the path of the virtuous. However they are even more misguided than the disbelievers and they are the people of the fire. They have a scream like the scream of the donkey. Their word is the word of the virtuous, while their deeds are the deeds of the debauched and they quarrel with the knowledgeable. They have no faith and are complacent about their deeds. They gain nothing from their deeds except for exhaustion.” [Al-Ithna Ashariyyah of Al-Hurr Al-Amili, page 34]

محمد بن الحسن عن محمد بن حسين عن النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم قال: لا تقوم الساعة على أمتي حتى يخرج قوم من أمتي اسمهم صوفية ليسوا مني وإنهم يهود أمتي يحلقون للذكر، ويرفعون أصواتهم بالذكر يظنون أنهم على طريق الأبرار بل هم أضل من الكفار وهم أهل النار لهم شهقة كشهقة الحمار وقولهم قول الأبرار وعملهم عمل الفجار وهم منازعون للعلماء ليس لهم إيمان وهم معجبون بأعمالهم ليس لهم من عملهم إلا التعب

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