Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi writes:

وَرُوِيَ أَنَّ الـنَّـبِـيَّ صَـلَّـى الـلَّـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَآلِـهِ لَـمَّـا قَـدِمَ الْـمَـدِيـنَـةَ جَـاءَ الـنِّـسَـاءُ وَالـصِّـبْـيَـانُ فَـقُـلْـنَ طَـلَـعَ الْـبَـدْرُ عَـلَـيْـنَـا مِـنْ ثَـنِـيَّـاتِ الْـوَدَاعِ وَجَـبَ الـشُّـكْـرُ عَـلَـيْـنَـا مَـا دَعَـا لِـلَّـهِ دَاعٍ

,,It was reported, that when the Prophet (s.) arrived in Medina, the women and children came and said: ﴾The full moon rose above us. From the valley of Wada’. We are enjoined to give thanks, as long as there is a caller who calls to God.﴿” [Bihar-ul-Anwar, Volume 19, page104 – 105]

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