Abu l-Qasim Al-Khu’i was asked:

هل يجوز لمس العورة من وراء الثياب من الرجل لعورة رجل آخر، ومن المرأة لعورة أخرى، لمجرد اللعب والمزاح، مع فرض عدم إثارة الشهوة؟

,,Is it permissible, for the private part of one man to touch the private part of another man behind clothing and for a woman to touch the private part of another, merely for play and fun, with the assumption, that no desire will be aroused?”

To which he replies:

لا مانع منه في الفرض المزبور .

,,There is nothing that stands in the way of this as per to the assumption which is described.” [Al-Khoei.Net, Question 107]

Abu l-Qasim Al-Khu’i is asked:

هل يجوز لمس العورة من وراء الثياب من الرجل لعورة رجل آخر ، ومن المرأة لعورة أخرى ، لمجرّد اللعب والمزاح ، مع فرض عدم إثارة الشهوة ؟

,,Is it permissible, for the private part of one man to touch the private part of another man behind clothing and for a woman to touch the private part part of another, merely for play and fun, with the assumption, that no desire will be aroused?”

To which he replies:

لا يحرم في الفرض ، والله العالم

,,It is not forbidden as per to the assumption and God is the Knowing.” [Sirat-un-Najah of At-Tabrizi, Volume 3, page 260 – 261]


The cleric Ali Al Muhsin found this thought so disgusting, that he placed a comma between لَا and يَحْرُمُ on his own accord, on the last legal opinion, which is mentioned [Here!]. With a comma it would mean: ,,No, it is forbidden as per to the acceptance (without desire).” Unfortunately for him, we do not find a comma either in the books or on the official website [Here!]. Moreover, the question was answered in different wordings. There is nothing to dispute about a statement like لَا مَانِعَ مِنْهُ (there is nothing that stands in the way of that). A comma could even give the false appearance that it is only allowed if there is an acceptance of desire.

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