
One of the innovators claimed, that Abdullah ibn Saba’ ordered the Shi’ites, to attribute lies to the opponents.


The opponent has lied

Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) reported that Prophet Muhammad (s.) said: ,,If you see the people of doubt and renewal after me, then show distance from them, revile them frequently, speak about them many times and make them speechless often, so that they do not seek to corrupt Islam and people will beware of them and not learn from their renewals. God will write down good deeds for you in return and thereby elevate you by levels in the Hereafter.” [Tanbih-ul-Khawatir by Warram Ibn Abi Firas Al-Hilli, Volume 2 page 162; Wasa’il-ush-Shi’ah by Al-Hurr Al-Amili, Volume 16 page 267 Hadith 1]

محمد بن يعقوب، عن محمد بن محمد بن الحسين عن أحمد بن محمد بن أبي نصر عن داود بن سرحان، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إذا رأيتم أهل الريب والبدع من بعدي فأظهروا البراءة منهم، وأكثروا من سبهم، والقول فيهم والوقيعة وباهتوهم كيلا يطمعوا في الفساد في الاسلام ويحذرهم الناس ولا يتعلمون من بدعهم يكتب الله لكم بذلك الحسنات، ويرفع لكم به الدرجات في الآخرة

Muhammad Salih Al-Mazandarani writes: ,,The meaning of insulting them is, to confront them with words, which will result in their condemnation. Zain-ud-Din Ibn Ali Al-Amili said: ,,The correct meaning is, to confront them with what applies to them in truth and not with falsehood.” With the speechlessness (Bahat) is meant the confusion and perplexity and the meaning of that may also be, to confront them with considerable evidence, so that they are stopped and become speechless, just like the disbeliever (2:259) who became speechless in the dispute with Abraham (a.).” [Sharh Usul Al-Kafi, Volume 10 page 43]

قال العلامة محمد صالح المازندراني رضي الله عنه: والمراد بسبهم الإتيان بكلام يوجب الاستخفاف بهم. قال الشهيد الثاني: يصح مواجهتهم بما يكون نسبته إليهم حقا لا بالكذب. وقال رحمه الله: والبهت التحير والدهش، ولعل المراد به إلزامهم بالحجج البالغة لينقطعوا ويبهتوا كما بهت الذي كفر في محاجة إبراهيم عليه السلام

Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi writes: ,,With the speechlessness (Mubahatah) is meant, to overcome them with obvious evidences and to confuse them, so that they do not manage to get an answer, just as the Exalted says: ,,The disbeliever was speechless.” (2:258) [Mir’at-ul-Uqul Fi Sharh Akhbar Al Ar-Rasul, Volume 11 page 81]

قال شيخ الإسلام محمد باقر المجلسي رضي الله عنه: المراد بالمباهتة إلزامهم بالحجج القاطعة وجعلهم متحيرين لا يحيرون جوابا كما قال تعالى: فبهت الذي كفر

The Qur’an states:

,,Have you not heard of those, who became so arrogant because of the power granted to him by God, that he debated with Abraham about God. Abraham said: ,,My Lord lets live and lets die.” To this he said: ,,I let live and die.” Then Abraham said: ,,God makes the sun rise in the east, so you make it rise in the west!” The disbeliever was speechless (buhit). God does not guide, those who do wrong, to the right path.” [Al-Baqarah 2:258]

ألم تر إلى الذي حاج إبراهيم في ربه أن آتاه الله الملك إذ قال إبراهيم ربي الذي يحيي ويميت قال أنا أحيي وأميت قال إبراهيم فإن الله يأتي بالشمس من المشرق فأت بها من المغرب فبهت الذي كفر والله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين

,,If only the disbelievers knew, what it will be like when they are in hell and cannot keep the fire from their faces or their backs and cannot find any help. The Day of Judgment will come upon them suddenly and they will be speechless (tabhatuhum), because they will not be able to avert it and will not be given respite.” [Al-Anbiya’ 21:39-40]

لو يعلم الذين كفروا حين لا يكفون عن وجوههم النار ولا عن ظهورهم ولا هم ينصرون بل تأتيهم بغتة فتبهتهم فلا يستطيعون ردها ولا هم ينظرون

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