
According to As-Saduq (a.), what punishment do those who associate with boys receive?


“Know that homosexuality is practiced between the thighs. What happens to the buttocks, however, is disbelief in Almighty God. Know that the integrity of the buttocks has a greater rank than the integrity of the genital area, for God destroyed a nation because of the integrity of the buttocks but never destroyed a nation because of the integrity of the genital area. Know that the punishment of the one who attends a boy is to be burned with fire or crushed under a collapsing wall or slain with the sword. If he wants to repent, he does so while the Imam of Muslims (a.) has not been informed of him.But if the Imam (a.) has been informed about him, then his fate is confirmed. He carries out on him one of these boundary punishments (Hudud) which we mentioned and it is up to the Imam (a.) to pardon the servant for sins between him and His Creator. So if he grants him mercy, then his pardon is permissible. But if it is a matter of sins between one servant and the other servant, then the Imam (a.) is not entitled to exercise mercy.” [Al-Muqni’, page 430]

قال أبو جعفر الصدوق: واعلم أن اللواط هو ما بين الفخذين، فأما الدبر فهو الكفر بالله العظيم واعلم أن حرمة الدبر أعظم من حرمة الفرج، لأن الله أهلك أمة بحرمة الدبر، ولم يهلك أحدا بحرمة الفرج واعلم أن عقوبة من لاط بغلام أن يحرق بالنار، أو يهدم عليه حائط، أو يضرب ضربة بالسيف وإذا أحب التوبة تاب من غير أن يرفع خبره إلى إمام المسلمين فان رفع خبره إلى الإمام هلك، فإنه يقيم عليه إحدى هذه الحدود التي ذكرناها وللإمام أن يعفو عن كل ذنب بين العبد وخالقه، فان عفى عنه جاز عفوه وإذا كان الذنب بين العبد والعبد فليس للإمام أن يعفو

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