Muhammad Ibn Husain reported that Imam Ali (a.) said:“So consider what God did to the devil when He ruined his long work and his extensive effort and he had served God for six thousand years, not knowing whether it was because of the glory of this world or the glory of the hereafter, because of the arrogance of a single moment. Who, after the devil, is now safe from God through one similar to his disobedience? Not at all. Surely God does not let a man enter paradise through something for which He has banished an angel.” Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi writes: “His statement “for which He banished an angel from Him” clearly states that the Devil was one of the angels, and the answer to this can be found in the fact that he is called an angel because he is one of the angels by virtue of his submission.” [Al-Bihar of Al-Majlisi, Volume 60, Page 214 – 215, Hadith 49]
محمد بن الحسين الرضي عن علي بن أبي طالب عليهما السلام قال: فاعتبروا بما كان من فعل الله بإبليس إذ أحبط عمله الطويل وجهده الجهيد وكان قد عبد الله ستة آلاف سنة لا يدرى أمن سني الدنيا أم من سني الآخرة عن كبر ساعة واحدة فمن بعد إبليس يسلم على الله بمثل معصيته كلا ما كان الله سبحانه ليدخل الجنة بشرا بأمر أخرج به ملكا قال الشيخ محمد باقر المجلسي: قوله عليه السلام اخرج به منها ملكا ظاهره أن إبليس كان من الملائكة ويمكن الجواب بان اطلاق الملك عليه لكونه من الملائكة بالولاء
Ibn Abi Umair reported that Jamil said about Imam As-Sadiq (a.): “He was questioned about what God mandated the creatures to do: “Were the misguided ones included in this?” He said: “Yes, and the disbelievers were included in it, for God commanded the angels to bow down before Adam. So the angels and the devil were included in His command, for the devil used to worship God with the angels in heaven and the angels believed that He was one of them and He was not one of them. So when God ordered the angels to bow down before Adam, He brought out the jealousy of the heart of the devil. From that time on, the angels knew that the Devil was not one of them.” “But how was the Devil commanded when God only told the angels to bow down before Adam?” Then he said: “The devil was one of them by submission and he was not of the species of angels and that was because God created a creation before Adam and the devil was a judge among them on the earth. After that they became rebellious, caused destruction and shed blood, whereupon God sent the angels. So they killed them and captured the Devil and lifted him up to heaven and he and the angels served God until God created Adam.” [Al-Bihar of Al-Majlisi, Volume 60, Page 273, Hadith 160]
علي بن إبراهيم عن إبراهيم بن هاشم عن ابن أبي عمير عن جميل عن جعفر بن محمد الصادق عليهما السلام قال: سئل عما ندب الله الخلق إليه أدخل فيه الضلال قال: نعم، والكافرون دخلوا فيه، لان الله تبارك وتعالى أمر الملائكة بالسجود لآدم فدخل في أمره الملائكة وإبليس، فان إبليس كان مع الملائكة في السماء يعبد الله وكانت الملائكة تظن أنه منهم ولم يكن منهم، فلما أمر الله الملائكة بالسجود لآدم أخرج ما كان في قلب إبليس من الحسد، فعلمت الملائكة عند ذلك أن إبليس لم يكن منهم، فقيل له عليه السلام: فكيف وقع الأمر على إبليس وإنما أمر الله الملائكة بالسجود لآدم فقال: كان إبليس منم بالولاء ولم يكن من جنس الملائكة، وذلك أن الله خلق خلقا قبل آدم وكان إبليس فيهم حاكما في الأرض فعتوا وأفسدوا وسفكوا الدماء، فبعث الله الملائكة فقتلوهم وأسروا إبليس ورفعوه إلى السماء، وكان مع الملائكة يعبد الله إلى أن خلق الله آدم
Mufaddal Ibn Umar reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said: “Then God created Adam and ordered the devil to prostrate himself before him and prostration is obedience, not prayer. So he refused, became arrogant and said: “I prostrate myself before no man. You created me out of fire and you created him out of clay.” (7:12) Then he was arrogant before God and became arrogant and disobedient and made a comparison, woe to him, between the fire and the earth. So he considered fire more excellent and if he had known that the light which was in Adam, which was the spirit God breathed into him, was more excellent than the fire from which he created him, his comparison would have been destroyed.” Mufaddal said: “My Master, is it not said that the devil is one of the angels?” He said: “Yes, O Mufaddal, he is one of the angels, not one of the spiritual, not one of the luminous, and not one of the inhabitants of the heavens, and the meaning of angels is a name that is derived by meanings. So he is an angel, a king, a master and a slave. All this is a name and he was one of the masters of the earth. Did you not hear the Word of God: “When We said to the angels: “Bow down before Adam.” So they bowed down, except the devil. He was one of the hidden ones (Jinn). So he disobeyed the command of his Lord.” (18:50) And His statement: “We created the Hidden Ones from the fire of the Blazing Wind.” (15:27) And He said: “O you band of the hidden and of men, if you are able to enter the regions of the heavens and the earth, then enter. You do not enter by any means except by strength.” (55:33) And His statement: “Say: It has been revealed to me that a multitude of the hidden were listening. Then they said: “We heard an amazing Qur’an. He leads to the right. So we believed in it, and we will not associate anyone with our Lord.” (72:1-2) [Al-Awalim of Al-Bahrani, volume 5, page 67 – 68, Hadith 2926]
محمد بن المفضل عن المفضل بن عمر عن جعفر بن محمد الصادق عليهما السلام قال: ثم خلق الله آدم وأمر إبليس بالسجود له والسجود هو الطاعة لا الصلاة فأبى واستكبر وقال لا أسجد لبشر خلقتني من نار وخلقته من طين فتجبر على الله واستكبر وعصى وقاس ويله النار بالتراب فرأى أن النار أفضل ولو علم أن النور الذي في آدم وهي الروح التي نفخها الله فيه كان أفضل من النار التي خلق منها إبليس لفسد قياسه قال المفضل يا مولاي أوليس يقال إن إبليس من الملائكة قال بلى يا مفضل هو من الملائكة لا الروحانية ولا النورانية ولا سكان السماوات ومعنى ملائكة هو اسم واحد متصرف على معان فهو ملَك وملِك ومالِك ومملوك هذا كله اسم واحد وكان من ملاك الأرض أما سمعت قول الله تعالى وإذ قلنا للملائكة اسجدوا لآدم فسجدوا الا إبليس كان من الجن ففسق عن امر ربه وقوله تعالى والجان خلقناه من قبل من نار السموم وقال يا معشر الجن والإنس ان استطعتم ان تنفذوا من أقطار السماوات والأرض فانفذوا لا تنفذون الا بسلطان وقوله قل أوحي إلي انه استمع نفرا من الجن فقالوا انا سمعنا قرآنا عجبا يهدي إلى الرشد فآمنا به ولن نشرك بربنا أحدا
Muhammad Al-Baqir (a.) reported that his fathers (a.) said: “Gabriel (a.) came down to the Prophet (s.) while staying at the home of Umm Salamah. Then he said: “O Muhammad, a host of the angels of the fourth heaven are disputing about something, so that their dispute took on a greater extent, and they belong to the hidden ones, to the people of the devil, about whom God said in His writing: “Except the devil. He was one of the hidden ones (Jinn). So he disobeyed the command of his Lord.” (18:50) Then God revealed to the angels: “Your dispute has taken on greater proportions. Therefore, agree on a judge of men to judge between you.” They said: “We have agreed upon a judge from the nation of Muhammad.” And God revealed to them: “To whom of the nation of Muhammad did you agree to be a judge?” They said: “We have chosen Ali, the son of Abu Talib.” Then God sent an angel from the angels of the lowest heaven with a carpet and two couches. So he descended to the Prophet (s.), whereupon he informed him of what he was coming for. So the Prophet (s.) summoned Ali, the son of Abu Talib (a.), and sat him down on the carpet and bedded him with the two couches. On them he spat into his mouth. Then he said: “O Ali, God strengthen your heart and enlighten your proof on your forehead. Then they took him up to heaven. Then when he came down, he said: “O Muhammad, God has given you peace, and He says to you: “We elevate the ranks of the one We want, and above every one who has knowledge, there is a knower.” [Al-Bihar of Al-Majlisi, Volume 39, Page 161, Hadith 4]
فرات بن إبراهيم عن أبي القاسم عبد الله بن هاشم الدوري، معنعنا عن محمد بن علي عن آبائه عليهم السلام قال: هبط جبرئيل على النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وهو في منزل أم سلمة فقال يا محمد إن ملا من ملائكة السماء الرابعة يجادلون في شيء حتى كثر بينهم الجدال فيهم، وهم من الجن من قوم إبليس الذين قال الله في كتابه: إلا إبليس كان من الجن ففسق عن أمر ربه فأوحى الله تعالى إلى الملائكة قد كثر جدالكم فتراضوا بحكم من الآدميين يحكم بينكم، قالوا: قد رضينا بحكم من أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وآله، فأوحى الله إليهم: بمن ترضون من أمة محمد؟ قالوا: رضينا بعلي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام فأهبط الله ملكا من ملائكة السماء الدنيا ببساط وأريكتين فهبط إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فأخبره بالذي جاء فيه، فدعا النبي صلى الله عليه وآله بعلي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام وأقعده على البساط ووسده بالأريكتين، ثم تفل في فيه ثم قال: يا علي ثبت الله قلبك ونور حجتك بين عينيك ثم عرج به إلى السماء، فلما نزل قال: يا محمد إن الله يقرؤك السلام ويقول لك: نرفع درجات من نشاء وفوق كل ذي علم عليم

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