Muhammad As-Sabzawari reported that Prophet Muhammad (s.) said: “Do not sit with those who take intoxicating drinks, do not visit their sick, do not attend their burials and do not pray for their dead, because they are the dogs of the people of fire, as God said: “Be cast out in it and do not speak to Me.” (23:108) [Mustadrak-ul-Wasa’il of An-Nuri, volume 17, page 53, Hadith 3]
محمد بن محمد السبزواري عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: لا تجالسوا مع شارب الخمر ولا تعودوا مرضاهم ولا تشيعوا جنازتهم ولا تصلوا على أمواتهم فإنهم كلاب أهل النار، كما قال الله عز وجل اخسئوا فيها ولا تكلمون
Sa’id Ibn Hibatillah reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said: “He who takes intoxicating drinks is not fit to be given as a partner, nor is he fit to be entrusted with a bond of trust because of His word: “Do not give your possessions to the foolish.” (4:5) [Mustadrak-ul-Wasa’il of An-Nuri, volume 17, page 53, hadith 7]
سعيد بن عبد الله الراوندي عن جعفر بن محمد الصادق عليهما السلام قال: ليس شارب الخمر أهلا أن يزوج ولا أن يؤتمن على أمانة لقوله تعالى ولا تؤتوا السفهاء أموالكم

Muhammad Ibn Ahmad reported that Prophet Muhammad (s.) said: “He who spent the night while being drunk, he has spent the night as a bride of Satan. Now how bad is the condition and how grievous is the mind of the one with which the Satan commits sodomy.” [La’ali’-ul-Akhbar by At-Tuisirkani, Volume 5, Page 217, Hadith 10]
محمد بن أحمد التويسركاني عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: من بات سكرانا بات عروسا للشيطان فمن كان الشيطان يلوط‍‌ به فيا سوء حاله ويا حزن باله
Muhammad Ibn Ahmad reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said: “Every woman who obeyed her partner while he takes intoxicating drinks, has recieved transgressions equal to the number of stars in the sky, and every child conceived by him is unclean, and God does not accept any dedication or compensation from her until her partner dies or she gets rid of him.” [La’ali’-ul-Akhbar of At-Tuisirkani, volume 5, page 217, hadith 5]
محمد بن أحمد التويسركاني عن جعفر بن محمد الصادق عليهما السلام قال: أيما امرأة أطاعت زوجها وهو شارب الخمر كان لها من الخطايا بعدد نجوم السماء وكل مولود يلد منه فهو نجس ولا يقبل الله تعالى منها صرفا ولا عدلا حتى يموت زوجها أو تخلع عنه نفسها
Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.) reported that Prophet Muhammad (s.) said: “He who drunk a intoxicating drink after God prohibited it through my tongue, will not be given to anyone as a partner when he asked for your hand. If he speaks, they do not believe him, and if he intercedes, he does not intercede, and they do not confide in him. If a pledge of trust is entrusted to him, which is what caused it to be destroyed, God has the right not to compensate him for it.” [Mustadrak-ul-Wasa’il of An-Nuri, volume 17, page 54, hadith 9]
الحسين بن علي الخزاعي عن محمد بن الحنفية عن علي بن أبي طالب عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: من شرب الخمر بعد ما حرمه الله على لساني فإن خطب فلا يزوج وإن حدث فلا يصدق وإن شفع فلا يشفع ولا يؤتمن على شيء فإن ائتمنه على أمانة فهلكت فحق على الله تعالى أن لا يعوضه منها
Muhammad Ibn Ali reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said: “If the one who takes intoxicating drinks became sick, do not visit him and if he died, do not be present with him. If he gave a testimony, do not declare him to be sincere, and if he asked for your hand, do not give him to anyone as a partner. Whoever then gave his daughter to a partner who drinks intoxicating drinks, it is as if he had led her into fornication, and whoever gave his daughter to a partner who is an opponent (Mukhalif) against his religion, he has broken her ties of kinship. Anyone who entrusted anything to someone who took intoxicating drinks to get drunk had no guarantee with God that he would do so.” [Al-Faqih of As-Saduq, Volume 4, Page 46, Hadith 5091]
محمد بن علي الصدوق عن جعفر بن محمد الصادق عليهما السلام قال: شارب الخمر إن مرض فلا تعوده، وإن مات فلا تشهدوه وان شهد فلا تزكوه وخطب إليكم فلا تزوجوه فإن من زوج ابنته شارب الخمر فكأنما قادها إلى الزنا ومن زوج ابنته مخالفا له على دينه فقد قطع رحمها ومن ائتمن شارب الخمر لم يكن له على الله تبارك وتعالى ضمان

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