Al-Amili about Al-Hidayat-ul-Kubra from Husain Al-Khusaibi

Muhammad Al-Hurr Al-Amili writes:
مـن اطّـلـع عـلـى أحـوال الـرّواة وعـرف الـمـمـدوحـيـن مـنـهـم والـثقـات وعـرف الـقـرائـن الـمقـتـرنة بـتـلـك الـرّوايـات زاد يـقـيـنـه واعـتـقـاده ووثـوقـه بـالـنّـقـل واعـتـمـاده عـلـى أنّ أحـاديث هـذه الأبـواب كـلّـهـا مـن الـمُـتـواتـرات وبـعـض الأبـواب مـقـصـودٌ بـالـذّات وبـعـضـهـا مـن الـمـقـدّمـات أو الـتـتـمّـات الـمـهـمّـات وهـي هـذه [ … ] بـاب (٣٠) الـنّـصـوص عـلـى إمـامـة أبـي مُـحـمّـدٍ الـحـسـن بـن عـلـيّ الـعـسـكـري عـلـيـه الـسّـلام, بـاب (٣١) مُـعـجـزاتـه عـلـيـه الـسّـلام
“Those who looked at the conditions of the narrators and who knew the praised and trustworthy ones of them and knew the indications linked to those narrations, their certainty, faith and trust in what was narrated increased and in that on which it was based on, whereby all the sayings (Hadith) of these chapters have been transmitted continuously (Mutawatir) and some of the chapters are for the purpose of their own and some of them belong to the introductions or to the important additions and they are [ …] the chapter (30) about the appointments of the leadership of Abu Muhammad, Hasan Ibn Ali Al-Askari (a. ), the chapter (31) about his miracles.” [Ithbat-ul-Hudah, Volume 1, pages 30 + 32]

١١٧ ـ وروى الـحُـسـيـن بـن حـمـدان الـحُـضـيـنـيّ (الـخُـصـيـبيّ) فـي كـتـاب الـهـدايـة (الـكُـبـرى) فـي الـفـضـائـل بــإسـنـاده عـن مُـحـمّـد بـن يـحـيـى الـحـرفـيّ عـن أبـيـه عـن أبـي مُـحـمّـد عـلـيـه الـسّـلام فـي حـديـثٍ طـويـلٍ أنّـه أخـبـره بـمَـغِـيـبَـاتٍ كـثـيـرةٍ وذكـرهـا بـالـتّـفـصـيـل فـكـانـت كـمـا قـال. ١١٨ ـ وبـإسـنـاده عـن أبـي أحـمـد الـبـصـريّ عـن أبـي مُـحـمّـدٍ عـلـيـه الـسّـلام فـي حـديـثٍ أنّـه قـال لـنـصـرانـيّ لـه ابـنـان: أمّـا ابـنـك هـذا فـبـاقٍ عـلـيـك وأمّـا الآخـر فـمـأخـوذٌ عـنـك بـعـد ثـلاثـة أيـامٍ وهـذا الـبـاقـي يـُسـلـم ويـُحـسـن إسـلامَـه ويـتـوالانـا أهـل الـبـيـت فـكـان كـمـا قـال
“117 – And about the merits, Husain Ibn Hamdan Al-Hudaini (Al-Khusaibi) narrated in the book Al-Hidayah (Al-Kubra) with his chain from Muhammad Ibn Yahya Al-Harfi, who narrated from his father, who narrated from Abu Muhammad (Al-Askari) in a long saying (Hadith) that he informed him about numerous hidden things and he mentioned them in detail, to which they applied exactly as he said. 118- And with his chain of Abu Ahmad Al-Basri, who narrated from Abu Muhammad (a.) in a saying that he said to a Nazarene who had two sons: “As for this your son, he will be taken from you alive, and as for the other, he will be taken from you after three days, and this one will stay alive and become a Muslim and he will practice his Islam in a good way and be close to us people of the house.” Whereupon it was exactly as he said it would be.” [Ithbat-ul-Hudah, Volume 5, Page 43]

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