1st question:
A follower of the innovators made the claim that Imam Ali (a.) had named his sons after Umar Ibn Al-Khattab and Uthman Ibn Affan and gave the following sources: Sirat Amir Al-Mu’minin Ali Ibn Abi Talib of Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi, page 226 and Al-Mukhtasar Min Kitab Al-Muwafaqah Bayna Ahl Al-Bait Wa As-Sahabah of Az-Zamakhshari, page 141 Is this really a report that reached the lovers of the Ahl-ul-Bait (a.)?
It is a fabrication of the innovators and by no means the statement of the infallible (a.).
Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi writes that Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri said: “I passed by a beautiful boy sitting next to Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.) and asked: “Who is this young child next to you?” He replied: “That is Uthman Ibn Ali. I named him after Uthman Ibn Affan and i named another one after Umar Ibn Al-Khattab and another one after Abbas, the uncle of the Messenger (s.) and i named another one after the best creature Muhammad (s.). As for Hasan, Husain and Muhsin (a.), the Messenger (s.) gave them their names, held a feast for newborns for them, shaved their heads, paid the tax for the poor and ordered their circumcision.” [Sirat Amir Al-Mu’minin Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Volume 1 Page 227]
قال علي محمد الصلّابي: عن أبي سعيد الخدري: مررت بغلام له ذؤابة وجمة إلى جنب علي بن أبي طالب، فقلت: ما هذا الصبي إلى جانبك ؟ قال: هذا عثمان بن علي، سميته بعثمان بن عفان، وقد سميته بعمر بن الخطاب، وسميت بعباس عم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، وسميت بخير البرية محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، فأما حسن وحسين ومحسن، فإنما سماهم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، وعق عنهم، وحلق رءوسهم، وتصدق بوزنها، وأمر بهم فسروا وختنوا
Mahmud Ibn Umar Az-Zamakhshari writes that Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri said: “I walked past a beautiful boy sitting next to Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.) and asked: ‘Who is this young child next to you?” He replied: “That is Uthman Ibn Ali. I named him after Uthman Ibn Affan and i named another one after Umar Ibn Al-Khattab and another one after Abbas, the uncle of the Messenger (s.) and i named another one after the best creature Muhammad (s.). As for Hasan, Husain and Muhsin (a.), the Messenger (s.) gave them their names, held a feast for newborns for them, shaved their heads, paid the tax for the poor and ordered their circumcision.” [Al-Mukhtasar Min Kitab Al-Muwafaqah Bayna Ahl Al-Bait Wa As-Sahabah, page 140].
قال محمود بن عمر الزمخشري المعتزلي: عن أبي سعيد الخدري: مررت بغلام له ذؤابة وجمة إلى جنب علي بن أبي طالب، فقلت: ما هذا الصبي إلى جانبك؟ قال: هذا عثمان بن علي، سميته بعثمان بن عفان، وقد سميته بعمر بن الخطاب، وسميت بعباس عم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، وسميت بخير البرية محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، فأما حسن وحسين ومحسن، فإنما سماهم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، وعق عنهم، وحلق رءوسهم، وتصدق بوزنها، وأمر بهم فسروا وختنوا
The innovators seem to be unfamiliar with their two scholars (As-Sallabi and Az-Zamakhshari) and their books, and are probably in need of instruction.
Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi writes: “I have pointed out the relationship between the Siddiq (Abu Bakr) and the Mistress Fatimah and the story about the inheritance of the Prophet (s.) and have responded to the doubts of the rejecters (Rafidah) about the history of the inheritance and have put their evidence under fire.” [Sirat Amir Al-Mu’minin Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Volume 1 page 7].
قال علي محمد الصلّابي: واشرت إلى العلاقة بين بين الصدّديق والسيدة فاطمة وقصة ميراث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ورددت على شبهات الرافضة حول قصة الميراث ونسفت حججهم
Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Adh-Dhahabi writes: “Az-Zamaskhshari is a great scholar of the Mu’tazilites. Abu Al-Qasim Mahmud Ibn Umar Ibn Muhammad Az-Zamaskhshari Al-Khawarizmi, the grammar scholar and author of Al-Kashshaf and Al-Fasl.” And he writes: “He used to call for the teaching of the Mu’tazilites, May God forgive him!” [Siyar A’lam An-Nubala’, Volume 20 Page 151 – 156 Number 91]
قال محمد بن احمد الذهبي: الزمخشري العلامة، كبير المعتزلة، أبو القاسم محمود بن عمر بن محمد، الزمخشري الخوارزمي النحوي، صاحب الكشاف والمفصل وقال: وكان داعية إلى الاعتزال، الله يسامحه
It is also astonishing that the Innovators, who claim to follow only authentic paths of transmission, base their faith on a report which, according to their own imams, has no authenticity.
Abu Abdillah Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim An-Nashabi reported from Abu Al-Fadl Ahmad Ibn Abd Al-Man’am Ibn Ahmad Ibn Bandar, who reported from Abu Al-Hasan Al-Atiqi, who reported from Abu Al-Hasan Ad-Daraqutni, who reported from Abu Bakr Ash-Shafi’i who told of Abdullah Ibn Najiyyah, who reported from Abbad Ibn Ahmad Al-Arzami, who reported from his uncle, who reported from his father, who reported from Amr Ibn Qais, who reported from Atiyyyah that Abu Sa’id said Al-Khudri said: “I passed by a beautiful boy who was standing beside Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a. ) and asked: “Who is this young child sitting next to you?” He replied: “That is Uthman Ibn Ali. I named him after Uthman Ibn Affan and i named another one after Umar Ibn Al-Khattab and another one after Abbas, the uncle of the Messenger (s.) and i named another one after the best creature Muhammad (s. ). As for Hasan, Husain and Muhsin (a.), the Messenger (s.) gave them their names, held a feast for newborns for them, shaved their heads, paid the tax for the poor and ordered their circumcision.” [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq of Ibn Asakir, Hadith 48311]
قال أبو القاسم علي بن الحسن بن هبة الله بن عساكر الدمشقي: أخبرنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن إبراهيم النشابي، أنا أبو الفضل أحمد بن عبد المنعم بن أحمد بن بندار، أنا أبو الحسن العتيقي، أنا أبو الحسن الدارقطني، نا أبو بكر الشافعي، نا عبد الله بن ناجية، نا عباد بن أحمد العرزمي، نا عمي، عن أبيه، عن عمرو بن قيس، عن عطية، عن أبي سعيد، قال: مررت بغلام له ذؤابة وجمة إلى جنب علي بن أبي طالب، فقلت: ما هذا الصبي إلى جانبك؟ قال: هذا عثمان بن علي، سميته بعثمان بن عفان، وقد سميته بعمر بن الخطاب، وسميت بعباس عم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، وسميت بخير البرية محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، فأما حسن وحسين ومحسن، فإنما سماهم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، وعق عنهم، وحلق رءوسهم ، وتصدق بوزنها، وأمر بهم فسروا وختنوا
Muhammad Nasir-ud-Din Al-Albani writes: “This chain of transmission is very weak and about Abbad Ibn Ahmad Al-Arzami Ad-Daraqutni said: “Rejected (Matruk).” [Silsilat-ul-Ahadith Ad-Da’ifah, Hadith 2476]
قال محمد ناصر الدين الألباني: وهذا إسناد ضعيف جدا، عباد بن أحمد العرزمي؛ قال الدارقطني: متروك
Nur-ud-Din Al-Haithami writes: “About Abbad Ibn Ahmad Al-Arzami, Ad-Daraqutni said: “Rejected (Matruk).” [Majma’-uz-Zawa’id, Hadith 873]
قال نور الدين الهيثمي: عباد بن أحمد العزرمي قال الدارقطني: متروك
Nur-ud-Din Al-Haithami writes: “Abbad Ibn Ahmad Al-Arzami was classified by Ad-Daraqutni as weak (Da’if).” [Majma’-uz-Zawa’id, Hadith 2801]
قتال نور الدين الهيثمي: عباد بن أحمد العرزمي ضعفه الدارقطني
2nd question:
Were there children whom the commander of the faithful called (a.) Umar or Uthman?
Mu’awiyah reported that Imam Ali (a.) said: “I named three of my sons Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman. So if you should hear from me that i would wish the mercy of God for one of the misguided leaders, i would be referring to my sons.” [Kitab Sulaim, page 301]
عن أبان عن سليم عن معاوية عن الإمام علي عليه اسلام قال: إني قد سميت ثلاثة بنين لي أبا بكر وعمر وعثمان، فإذا سمعتموني أترحم على أحد من أئمة الضلالة فإني أعني بذلك بني
Uthman Ibn Ali reported that Imam Ali (a.) said: “I named him after my brother Uthman Ibn Maz’un, may God be pleased with him!” [Shuhada’ Ahl Al-Bait by Husain Ash-Shakiri, page 12]
قال  الحاج حسين الشاكري: وعثمان بن علي الذي روى عن أبيه علي عليه السلام أنه قال: إنما سميته باسم أخي عثمان بن مظعون – رضوان الله عليه
Habirah Ibn Mariam reported that he was sitting with Imam Ali (a.) when he called his son Uthman: “O Uthman! Then he said: “Certainly i did not name you after Uthman (Ibn Affan), the disbelieving old man, but i named you after Uthman Ibn Maz’un.” [Taqrib-ul-Ma’arif of Al-Halabi, page 294]
عن هبيرة بن مريم قال: كنا جلوسا عند علي عليه السلام، فدعا ابنه عثمان، فقال له: يا عثمان، ثم قال: إني لم أسمه باسم عثمان الشيخ الكافر، إنما سميته باسم عثمان بن مظعون

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  1. […] Historical speech of Ali? – – Ali names his child after Umar ibn khattab? – – Fighting alongside Abu Bakr? – – Praise from Imam Ali? […]

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