
Praise from Imam As-Sadiq?

1st question:
One innovator claimed that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) was questioned about Abu Bakr and Umar and then claimed that they were two righteous Imams (leaders), righteous and died till death on the truth, and then said a supplication for the mercy of God for both of them. The 1st volume of Ihqaq-ul-Haqq on page 116 was given as the source. Is this really the statement of the infallible (a.)?
The term imam (إمام) or imams (أئمة) alone does not mean praise, because it is also used in the Qur’an for the disbelievers: “But if they break their oaths and attack your faith after entering into a contract, then fight against the imams of disbelief. For them there are no oaths. Perhaps they will stop.” [At-Tawbah 9:12]
وإن نكثوا أيمانهم من بعد عهدهم وطعنوا في دينكم فقاتلوا أئمة الكفر إنهم لا أيمان لهم لعلهم ينتهون
Now let us look at the full report, which should give us the necessary certainty.
A man asked Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.): “O son of the Messenger of God, what do you say about Abu Bakr and Umar?” He replied: “They were Imams, inclined and righteous. They were on the truth and died on it. May they face the mercy of God on the day of resurrection!” When the crowd dispersed, a man of his followers said to him: “O son of the Messenger of God, i am amazed at what you have said about Abu Bakr and Umar.” Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) said: “Yes, they are Imams of the inhabitants of hellfire, just as the Blessed One says: “And We made them Imams who invite to hellfire.” – 28:41 – As for my words that they were inclined, the Exalted One already said this: “But those who are inclined towards the wrong will be firewood for hell.” – 72:15 – As for my words that they were righteous, they gave the same right to something apart from the truth, just as the blessed one said: “Those who disbelieve give the same right to gods beside their Lord.” – 6:1 – As for the truth in which they both were in, this means the commander of the believers (a.) when they caused him mischief and deprived him of his right, and by their dying on the truth is meant that they died in animosity to him without feeling remorse for it. By the mercy of God is meant the Prophet Muhammad (s.), who represents the mercy for the inhabitants of the world – 21:107 – and he will be their enemy and be filled with wrath against them on the Day of Judgement while he takes vengeance on them.” [Ihqaq-ul-Haqq of Ash-Shushtari, Volume 1 page 116]
ان رجلا سأل الإمام الصادق عليه السلام فقال: يا ابن رسول الله! ما تقول فى حق أبى بكر وعمر؟ فقال عليه السلام: إمامان عادلان قاسطان، كانا على الحق، وماتا عليه، فعليهما رحمة الله يوم القيامة فلما انصرف الناس قال له، رجل من خاصته: يا ابن رسول الله لقد تعجبت مما قلت في حق أبي بكر وعمر! فقال: نعم، هما إماما أهل النار كما قال الله سبحانه: وجعلناهم أئمة يدعون إلى النار وأما القاسطان فقد قال الله تعالى: وأما القاسطون فكانوا لجهنم حطبا وأما العادلان فلعدولهم عن الحق كقوله تعالى ثم الذين كفروا بربهم يعدلون والمراد من الحق الذي كانا مستوليين عليه هو أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام حيث أذياه وغصبا حقه عنه، والمراد من موتهما على الحق أنهما ماتا على عداوته من غير ندامة عن ذلك، والمراد من رحمة الله، رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله، فإنه كان رحمة للعالمين وسيكون خصما لهما ساخطا عليهما منتقما منهما يوم الدين
2nd question:
Furthermore, the innovator claimed that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) had decreed a woman to recognize Abu Bakr and Umar as Wali (guardians) and thereby to meet her Lord in the afterlife. As source he gave the 8th volume of Al-Kafi on page 101. Is this really the statement of the infallible (a.)?
The term guardian (ولي) or patron (أولياء) alone does not represent praise, because it is also used in the Qur’an for the unbelievers: “Those who believe fight in the way of God. And those who disbelieve fight in the way of idols. So fight against the guardians of Satan. The cunning of Satan is weak.” [An-Nisa’ 4:76]
الذين آمنوا يقاتلون في سبيل الله والذين كفروا يقاتلون في سبيل الطاغوت فقاتلوا أولياء الشيطان إن كيد الشيطان كان ضعيفا
Now let us look at the full report, which should give us the necessary certainty.
Abu Basir reported that he was sitting with Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) when Umm Khalid came in to them, whose hand was cut off by Yusuf Ibn Umar. She asked him for permission and he asked him: “Would you like to hear what she has to say?” Abu Basir replied: “Yes.” And he said: “Allow her.” So he ordered Abu Basir to sit down with him. Umm Khalid came in, gave an eloquent speech and then asked for the two of them (Abu Bakr and Umar).” The Imam (a.) asked: “You recognize them as guardians?” Umm Khalid said: “I will tell my master, when i meet him, that you have ordered me to recognize their guardianship.” He answered: “yes.” Umm Khalid said: “He who sat down with you ordered me to renounce them and Kathir An-Nawwa’ ordered me to acknowledge their guardianship. Which of the two is better in your eyes and which is more worthy of your love?” Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) replied: “By God, this one (Abu Basir) is more worthy of my love than Kathir An-Nawwa’ and his companions. This one speaks with evidence, for he says, “Those who do not judge by what God has revealed are the disbelievers. – 5:44 – “Those who do not judge by what God has revealed, these are the disbelievers. – 5:45 – “And those who do not judge by what God has revealed, these are the wicked.” – 5:47 – [Al-Kafi of Al-Kulaini, Volume 8 Page 101 Hadith 71]
الحسين بن محمد الأشعري، عن معلى بن محمد، عن الوشاء، عن أبان بن عثمان، عن أبي بصير قال: كنت جالسا عند أبي عبد الله عليه السلام إذ دخلت علينا أم خالد التي كان قطعها يوسف بن عمر تستأذن عليه فقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: أيسرك أن تسمع كلامها؟ قال: فقلت: نعم، قال: فأذن لها، قال: وأجلسني معه على الطنفسة قال: ثم دخلت فتكلمت فإذا امرأة بليغة فسألته عنهما، فقال لها: توليهما؟ قالت: فأقول لربي إذا لقيته: إنك أمرتني بولايتهما، قال: نعم، قال فإن هذا الذي معك على الطنفسة يأمرني بالبراءة منهما وكثير النوا يأمرني بولايتهما فأيهما خير وأحب إليك؟ قال: هذا والله أحب إلي من كثير النوا وأصحابه، إن هذا تخاصم فيقول: ومن لم يحكم بما أنزل الله فأولئك هم الكافرون ومن لم يحكم بما أنزل الله فأولئك هم الظالمون ومن لم يحكم بما أنزل الله فأولئك هم الفاسقون
Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi writes: “He proves the disbelief of Abu Bakr and Umar by the verses that are mentioned.” [Mir’at-ul-Uqul Fi Sharh Akhbar Al Ar-Rasul, Volume 25 page 245]
قال محمد باقر المجلسي رضي الله عنه: يستدل على كفر أبي بكر وعمر بهذه الآيات
3rd question:
The innovator added that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) called Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (finding himself confirmed) and made a supplication that God should not grant recognition in this world and the hereafter to anyone who does not call him that. The 2nd volume of Kashf-ul-Ghummah on page 220 was cited as the source. Is this really the statement of the infallible (a.)?
The term finding confirmation (صدّيق) is not praise in itself, because it is also used in the Qur’an for Satan: “Truly, Iblis found his opinion confirmed by them. They followed him, with the exception of a part of the believers.” [Saba’ 34:20]
ولقد صدق عليهم إبليس ظنه فاتبعوه إلا فريقا من المؤمنين
As for the alleged statement, it is not to be found on page 220 nor anywhere else in the book about Imam As-Sadiq (a.). However, there are reports in other works in which this word is used.
Khalid Ibn Yahya reported that he asked Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.): “Did the Prophet Muhammad (s.) call Abu Bakr the one who finds himself confirmed (As-Siddiq)?” He answered: “Yes, when Abu Bakr was with him in the cave, the Messenger (s.) said: “I see the ship of the sons of Abd-ul-Muttalib (a.), which is wandering on the sea. Abu Bakr said to him: “Do you really see it?” He answered: “Yes.” He said: “O Messenger of God, can you make it possible for me to see it in the same way?” He said: “Draw nearer to me.” And he stroked both his eyes, and then said: “Look!” Abu Bakr saw the ship wandering on the sea, and then he looked at the palaces of the people of Medina. He said to himself: “Now i find myself confirmed that you are a magician!” The Prophet Muhammad (s.) said to him: “The one who finds himself confirmed is you!” Khalid said: “Why was Umar called the distinguisher (Al-Faruq)?” Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) replied: “Yes, did you not see that he distinguished between truth and falsehood and made people to be false?” Khalid said: “Why was Salim called the Trustworthy (Al-Amin)?” He answered: “When they wrote the books, they gave them into the hand of Salim and therefore he became the trustworthy one.” He said: “Fear the invitation of Sa’d!” The Imam (a.) answered: “Yes.” He asked: “And how is that?” He replied: “Sa’d levelled it and fought Imam Ali (a.).” [Mukhtasar Basa’ir Ad-Darajat of Al-Hilli, pages 29 – 30]
موسى بن عمر بن يزيد الصيقل عن عثمان بن عيسى عن خالد بن يحيي قال قلت لأبي عبد الله عليه السلام سمى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أبا بكر صديقا فقال نعم انه حيث كان معه أبو بكر في الغار قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله اني لأرى سفينة بني عبد المطلب تضطرب في البحر ضالة فقال له أبو بكر وانك لتراها قال نعم فقال يا رسول الله تقدر ان ترينيها فقال ادن مني فدنى منه فمسح يده على عينيه ثم قال له انظر فنظر أبو بكر فرأى السفينة تضطرب في البحر ثم نظر إلى قصور أهل المدينة فقال في نفسه الآن صدقت انك ساحر فقال له رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله صديق أنت فقلت لم سمى عمر الفاروق قال نعم الا ترى أنه قد فرق بين الحق والباطل واخذ الناس بالباطل قلت فلم سمى سالما الأمين قال لما ان كتبوا الكتب ووضعوها على يد سالم فصار الأمين قلت فقال اتقوا دعوة سعد قال نعم قلت وكيف ذلك قال إن سعدا يكر فيقاتل عليا عليه السلام
4th question:
The followers of the illegitimate imams also made the claim that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) had called Abu Bakr his grandfather, whom he would never insult, but had to respect and honor. As source he cited the 1st volume of Ihqaq-ul-Haqq on page 7. Is this really the statement of the infallible (a.)?
This is one of the fictions quoted from the books of the innovators and therefore has no weight with the lovers of the Ahl-ul-Bait (a.).
Ash-Shushtari writes: “The Imam and scholar of tradition, Al-Hakim Abu Abdillah An-Naisaburi, in his work called Ma’rifat Ulum Al-Hadith through a chain of tradition from Imam Abu Abdillah, Ja’far Ibn Muhammad As-Sadiq (a.), mentioned that he said: “Abu Bakr As-Siddiq is my grandfather and does anyone insult one of his fathers? God grant me no favor if i do not grant him favor!” I ask God to protect me from the offence of such racism, for it is the worst path and is despicable.” [Ihqaq-ul-Haqq, Volume 1 Page 7]
قال الشوشتري: وذكر الإمام الحاكم أبو عبد الله النيسابوري المحدث الكبير والحافظ المتقن الفاضل النحرير في كتاب معرفة علوم الحديث بإسناده عن الإمام أبي عبد الله جعفر بن محمد الصادق عليه وعلى آبائه السلام أنه قال: أبو بكر الصديق جدي وهل يسب أحد آبائه لا قدمني الله إن لا أقدمه .. نسأل الله العصمة عن التعصب فإنه ساء الطريق وبئس الرقيق
Al-Hakim An-Naisaburi reported that Ja’far Ibn Muhammad As-Sadiq (a.) said: “Abu Bakr is my grandfather. Does a man insult his grandfather? God grant me no favor if i do not grant him a favor!” [Ma’rifat Ulum Al-Hadith, Hadith 75]
جعفر بن محمد الصادق، وكان يقول: أبو بكر جدي، أفيسب الرجل جده، لا قدمني الله إن لم أقدمه
Now let us come to the reports which reached the lovers of the Ahl-ul-Bait (a.) and are relevant.
Zurarah reported that Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) was asked about the verse: “He who comes with a good deed receives ten times as much.” – 6:160 – He answered: “Whoever mentions them (Abu Bakr and Umar) and therefore curses them every morning, God writes down seventy good deeds to him and He destroys ten of his bad deeds and He raises him up ten stages.” [Bihar-ul-Anwar of Al-Majlisi, Volume 30 Page 222 – 223 Hadith 91]
عن زرارة، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام: (من جاء بالحسنة فله عشر أمثالها) قال: من ذكرهما (يعني أبا بكر وعمر) فلعنهما كل غداة كتب الله  له سبعين حسنة، ومحا عنه عشر سيئات، ورفع له عشر درجات
5th question:
The innovator further claims that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) was proud of his lineage to Abu Bakr and therefore said that Abu Bakr had brought him into being twice. As the source he cited the 2nd volume of Kashf-ul-Ghummah on page 261 and the 29th volume of Bihar-ul-Anwar on page 6. Is this really the statement of the Infallible (a.)?
Again, it is a fabrication quoted from the books of the innovators, and thus has no weight with the lovers of the Ahl-ul-Bait (a.).
Ibn Abi Al-Fath Al-Irbili writes: “Al-Hafiz Abd-ul-Aziz Ibn Al-Akhdar Al-Janabadhi said: “Abu Abdillah, Ja’far, the son of Muhammad, the son of Ali, the son of Al-Husain, the son of Ali, the son of Abu Talib, As-Sadiq His mother is Umm Farwah and she is named Qaribah, the daughter of Al-Qasim, the son of Muhammad, the son of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him. Her mother is Asma’, the daughter of Abd-ur-Rahman, the son of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq and therefore Ja’far (a.) said: “Abu Bakr has already given birth to me twice.” [Kashf-ul-Ghummah, Volume 2 Page 261]
قال علي بن عيسى الإربلي: وقال الحافظ عبد العزيز بن الأخضر الجنابذي رحمه الله أبو عبد الله جعفر بن محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب عليهم السلام الصادق وأمه أم فروة واسمها قريبة بنت القاسم بن محمد بن أبي بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه وأمها أسماء بنت عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر الصديق ولذلك قال جعفر عليه السلام ولقد ولدني أبو بكر مرتين
Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi writes: “Thereupon the mentioned author of the work narrates a statement from Imam As-Sadiq (a.): “Abu Bakr has already given birth to me twice.” He added the words As-Siddiq to Abu Bakr. Anyone who has reason doubts about this statement because the Imams (a.) report the truth in contradiction to these baseless fables, which cannot be taken or accepted by reason and justice.” [Bihar-ul-Anwar, Volume 29 page 6]
قال محمد باقر المجلسي رضي الله عنه: ثم نقل عن الكتاب المذكور قول الصادق عليه السلام: ولدني أبو بكر مرتين، وزاد فيه لفظا: الصديق ولا يرتاب عاقل في أن القول بأن أئمتنا سلام الله عليهم كانوا يرون خلافتهم حقا من الخرافات الواهية التي لا يقبلها ولا يصغي إليها من له أدنى حظ من العقل والانصاف
Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Adh-Dhahabi reported that Ja’far Ibn Muhammad As-Sadiq (a.) said: “Abu Bakr As-Siddiq has already given birth to me twice.” [Tadhkirat-ul-Huffaz, Volume 1 Page 166 Number 162]
قال محمد بن أحمد الذهبي: فلذلك كان (يعني جعفر بن محمد رضي الله عنه) يقول: ولدني أبو بكر الصديق مرتين
In contrast to this fabrication, the scholars of Islam like Abu As-Salah Al-Halabi recorded the reports of the infallible (a.) which reached the lovers of the Ahl-ul-Bait (a.)
Abdullah Ibn Sinan reported that Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) said to him: “Abu Bakr and Umar are the two idols of the Quraish whom they worship.” Arqat reported that he said to Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.): “Uncle, i fear death for me and you, and the matter of the two men is not being spread.” Imam As-Sadiq (a.) replied: “Get rid of them! God and His Messenger (s.) have renounced them.” [Taqrib-ul-Ma’arif of Al-Halabi, page 248]
ورووا عن عبد الله بن سنان، عن جعفر بن محمد عليهما السلام قال، قال لي: أبو بكر وعمر صنما قريش اللذان يعبدونهما. ورووا عن عبيد بن سليمان النخعي، عن محمد بن الحسين بن علي بن الحسين بن علي قال: أخبرني ابن أخي الأرقط، قال: قلت لجعفر بن محمد عليهما السلام: يا عماه إني أتخوف علي وعليك الفوت أو الموت ولم يفرش لي أمر هذين الرجلين، فقال لي جعفر عليه السلام: إبرأ منهما برأ الله ورسوله منهما

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