Al-Khu’i refutes the lie that not a single Shiite believes in the falsification of the Qur’an

Abu l-Qasim Al-Khu’i writes:

وَجُـمُـلَـةِ الْـقَـوْلِ أَنَّ الْـمَـشْـهُـورَ بَـيْـنَ عُـلَـمَـاءِ الـشِّـيـعَـةِ وَمُـحَـقِّـقِـيـهِـمْ بَـلِ الْـمُـتَـسَـالِـمُ عَـلَـيْـهِ بَـيْـنَـهُـمْ هُـوَ الْـقَـوْلُ بِـعَـدَمِ الـتَّـحْـرِيـفِ نَـعَـمْ ذَهَـبَ جَـمَـاعَـةٌ مِـنَ الْـمُـحَـدِّثِـيـنَ مِـنَ الـشِّـيـعَـةِ وَجَـمْـعٌ مِـنْ عُـلَـمَـاءِ أَهْـلِ الـسُّـنَّـةِ إِلَـى وُقُـوعِ الـتَّـحْـرِيـفِ

“In short, the common opinion among the Shiite scholars and their investigators is – even more so the acceptable ones among them – that the falsification did not take place. Yes, a group of Shiite hadith scholars and a number of Sunni scholars believe that the falsification did take place.” [Al-Bayan, page 201]


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