Do the innovators report that the Jews referred to Umar as “Faruq”?
Ya’qub Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Sa’d reported that Ibrahim Ibn Sa’d reported that Salih Ibn Kaisan reported that Ibn Shihab Az-Zuhri said: “It reached us that the people of the Scripture were the first to name Umar as a distinguisher (Faruq) and the Muslims were influenced by their statements and it never reached us that the Prophet Muhammad (s.) said anything about it.” [Tabaqat-ul-Kubra of Ibn Sa’d, Volume 3, page 250].
قال: أخبرنا يعقوب بن إبراهيم بن سعد، عن أبيه، عن صالح بن كيسان، قال: قال ابن شهاب: بلغنا أن أهل الكتاب، كانوا أول من قال لعمر الفاروق، وكان المسلمون يؤثرون ذلك من قولهم، ولم يبلغنا أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ذكر من ذلك شيئا

[ 1. ] Ya’qub Ibn Ibrahim:
Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Adh-Dhahabi writes: “The proof (Hujjah).” [Siyar A’lam An-Nubala’, volume 7 page 492]
قال محمد بن أحمد الذهبي: الحجة
Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani writes: “Trustworthy (Thiqah).” [Taqrib-ut-Tahdhib, number 7811]
قال ابن حجر العسقلاني: ثقة
Muhammad Nasir-ud-Din Al-Albani writes: “Authentic (Sahih).” [Sahih At-Tirmidhi, Hadith 3905]
قال محمد ناصر الدين الألباني: صحيح
[ 2. ] Ibrahim Ibn Sa’d:
Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Adh-Dhahabi writes: “Trustworthy (Thiqah).” [Siyar A’lam An-Nubala’, Volume 8 Page 305]
قال محمد بن أحمد الذهبي: ثقة
Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani writes: “Trustworthy (Thiqah), a proof (Hujjah).” [Taqrib-ut-Tahdhib, number 177]
قال ابن حجر العسقلاني: ثقة حجة
Muhammad Nasir-ud-Din Al-Albani writes: “Authentic (Sahih).” [Sahih Ibn Majah, Hadith 1366]
قال محمد ناصر الدين الألباني: صحيح
[ 3. ] Salih Ibn Kaisan:
Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Adh-Dhahabi writes: “The Trustworthy One (Thiqah).” [Siyar A’lam An-Nubala’, Volume 5 Page 454]
قال محمد بن احمد الذهبي: الثقة
Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani writes: “Trustworthy (Thiqah).” [Taqrib-ut-Tahdhib, Number 2884]
قال ابن حجر العسقلاني: ثقة
Muhammad Nasir-ud-Din Al-Albani writes: “Authentic (Sahih).” [Sahih Abi Dawud, Hadith 3887]
قال محمد ناصر الدين الألباني: صحيح
[ 4. ] Ibn Shihab Az-Zuhri:
Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Adh-Dhahabi writes: “He meets the conditions of Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim.” [Talkhis-ul-Mustadrak, Number 4598]
قال محمد بن أحمد الذبي: على شرط البخاري ومسلم
Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani writes: “There is agreement about his sublimity and excellence.” [Taqrib-ut-Tahdhib, Number 6296]
قال ابن حجر العسقلاني: متفق على جلالته وإتقانه
Muhammad Nasir-ud-Din Al-Albani writes: “Authentic (Sahih).” [Sahih An-Nasa’i, Hadith 3083]
قال محمد ناصر الدين الألباني: صحيح

One response to “Jews named Umar “Faruq””

  1. […] – – Umar is more misguided than a donkey – – Umar beats mourners – – Umar penetrates camels – – Jews named Umar “Faruq” – – Lineage of Umar – – Umar about Kurds – – Al-Khumaini about Umar – – Marriage with Umm Kulthum? […]

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