Thabit ibn Aslam reported that Anas ibn Malik said: “The Messenger of God (s) left the dead of Badr for three days. After that, he came to them and sat by their side. After that he called them and said: “O Abu Jahl son of Hisham, o Umayyah son of Khalaf, o Utbah son of Rabi’ah, o Shaibah son of Rabi’ah, do you not find that what your Lord promised you to be true? I find that what my Lord promised me to be true.” When Umar heard the words of the Prophet (s.), he said: “O Messenger of God, how should they hear you and answer you when they are decaying corpses?” He said: “By Him in Whose hand is my soul, you hear my words not better than they, but they have not been given the power to answer.” Then he gave an order, whereupon they were dragged away and thrown into the well of Badr.” [Sahih Muslim, Hadith 2875]

حدثنا هداب بن خالد حدثنا حماد بن سلمة عن ثابت البناني عن أنس بن مالك أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ترك قتلى بدر ثلاثا ثم أتاهم فقام عليهم فناداهم فقال يا أبا جهل بن هشام يا أمية بن خلف يا عتبة بن ربيعة يا شيبة بن ربيعة أليس قد وجدتم ما وعد ربكم حقا فإني قد وجدت ما وعدني ربي حقا فسمع عمر قول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال يا رسول الله كيف يسمعوا وأنى يجيبوا وقد جيفوا قال والذي نفسي بيده ما أنتم بأسمع لما أقول منهم ولكنهم لا يقدرون أن يجيبوا ثم أمر بهم فسحبوا فألقوا في قليب بدر


Those who claim that it is idolatry to call the deceased declare the Prophet (s.) himself to be an idolater. Those who claim that the Prophet (s.) was given special permission to call the deceased are claiming that God gave him special permission to practice idolatry. Either idolatry is forbidden or it is not. When was it ever permitted?

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