- 30. June 2021Question: Are there any reports from the infallibles in which Imam Ali (a.) is associated with the House of Wisdom?…
- 30. June 2021Abu Balj reported that Amr ibn Maimun said:
- 27. June 2021Question: Some of our enemies claim Imam Ali (a.) is called a donkey in Bihar-ul-Anwar volume 25 page 380, is…
- 27. June 2021Question: Did the Prophet (s.) predict that Ali (a.) would be betrayed by his community? Response:
- 27. June 2021From Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.), that Prophet Muhammad (s.) said:
- 27. June 2021Yahya ibn Adam reported from Isra'il who reported from Abu Ishaq that Hubairah ibn Yarim said:
- 25. June 2021Question: Are there reports that looking at the Commander of the Faithful (a.) is worship? Response:
- 25. June 2021Husain An-Nuri At-Tabarsi writes:
- 22. June 2021One of the followers of Umar claimed that according to Imamite sources, Imam Ali (a.) was asked about the return…
- 22. June 2021Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Adh-Dhahabi writes: