Ali Al-Khamina’i says:

 الْأُخْـرَى فِـي هَـذَا الـسِّـيَـاقِ هِـيَ شَـعَـائِـرُ الْـخِـطَـابَـةِ الْـمِـنْـبَـرِيَّـةِ وَالـنَّـعِـيُّ وَلَـطْـمُ الـصُّـدُورِ فَـهِـيَ أُمُـورٌ لَا بُدَّ مِـنْـهَـا لَـكِـنْ لَـيْـسَ مَـعَ كُـلِّ مُـنَـاسَـبَـةٍ فَـاعْـلَـمُوا أَنَّ الـنَّـعِـيَّ وَقِـرَاءَةَ الْـمُـصِـيـبَـةِ عَـلَـى الْـمَـنَـابِـرِ وَهِـيَ سُـنَّـةٌ رَاجِـحَـةٌ لَا تَـتَـعَـلَّقُ بِـجَـمِـيـعِ الْأَئِـمَّـةِ بَـلْ بِـبَـعْـضِـهِـمْ عَـلَـى وَجْـهِ الـتَّـحْـدِيـدِ

,,The other thing in this context is the rites of preaching in the pulpit and lamentation and chest beating, for these are unavoidable things, but not on every occasion. So know that wailing and delivering the tragedy in the pulpits are not appropriate with all imams, but are limited to some of them.”

نَـعَـمْ قَـدْ يَـحْـصُـلُ فِـي جَـلْـسَـةٍ مَـا أَنْ يَـقْـرَأَ أَحَـدُهُـمُ الْـمُـصِـيـبَـةَ وَيُـثِـيـرَ عَـبْـرَةَ مَـنْ فِـي الْـمَـجْـلِـسِ فَـلَا ضَـيْـرَ فِـي ذَلِـكَ لَـكِـنَّ مَـبْـدَأَ إِقَـامَـةِ الْـعَـزَاءِ شَـيْءٌ وَالـنَّـعِـيَّ عَـلَـى الْـمِـنْـبَـرِ وَالـلَّـطْـمُ شَـيْءٌ آخَـرُ فَـالـنَّـعِـيُّ وَالـلَّـطْـمُ هِـيَ مِـنْ مُـخْـتَـصَّـاتِ عَـزَاءِ الْإِمَـامِ الْـحُـسَـيْـنِ أَوْ بِـبَـعْـضِ الْأَئِـمَّـةِ فِـي أَقْـصَـى حَـدٍّ لَا أَنْ تُـعَـمَّـمَ الْـقَـضِـيَّـةُ بِـهَـذَا الـشَّـكْـلِ

,,For example, there is no problem in holding a mourning ceremony and beating on the nights of the ninth and tenth days and also on the twenty-first night of the month of Ramadan. But this does not apply on the occasion of the martyrdom of Imam Kazim, although it is one of the occasions for which a mourning ceremony is appropriate. However, I do not see the need for chest beating on this occasion or on the occasion of the commemoration of the martyrdom of Mistress Zahrah, as it is not appropriate to practice beating and wailing on these occasions, but it is more proper that we go into the exposition of the tragedies and their unveiling on occasions such as these, for this is a matter, that surpasses weeping as well.”

يَـظُـنُّ الْـبَـعْـضُ أَنَّـهُـمْ إِذَا أَرَادُوا الـتَّـطَـرُّقَ إِلَـى سِـيـرَةِ الْـخُـلَـفَـاءِ فَـلَا بُـدَّ لَـهُـمْ مِـنَ الـطَّـعْـنِ فِـيـهِـمْ وَالْـحَـالُ أَنَّ طَـعْـنَـهُـمْ فِـي الـرَّادِيُـو مُـحَـرَّمٌ شَـرْعًا وَإِذَا كُـنْـتُ لَـمْ أَذْكُـرْ هَـذِهِ الـنُّـقْـطَـةَ فِـي الـلِّـقَـاءَاتِ الـسَّـابِـقَـةِ أَقُـولُـهَـا الْآنَ إِنَّ الْإِسَـاءَةَ لِـلْـخُـلَـفَـاءِ فِـي الـرَّادِيُـو غَـيْـرُ جَـائِـزَةٍ مُـطْـلَـقًـا وَهِـيَ فِـي الْـوَقْـتِ الْـحَـاضِـرِ مُـحَـرَّمَـةٌ شَـرْعًـا

,,Some think, that if they want to address the way of behavior of the caliphs, they must necessarily attack them and the case is that it is legally forbidden to attack them on the radio and if I didn’t mention this point in the previous meetings, then now I say, that it is absolutely not allowed on the radio to attack the caliphs and this is legally forbidden in our current time.”

لَا بَـأْسَ هُـنَـا أَنْ أَرْوِيَ لَـكُـمْ قِـصَّـةً حَـصَـلَـتْ مَـعِـي وَإِنْ كُـنْـتُ قَـدْ رَوَيْـتُـهَـا لِـلْـعَـدِيـدِ مِـنَ الْأَصْـدِقَـاءِ فِـي الـسَّـابِـقِ لَـقَـدْ كَـانَ الْإِمَـامُ الْـخُـمَـيْـنِـيُّ فِـي بِـدَايَـاتِ الـثَّـوْرَةِ يَـذْكُـرُ اسْـمَ مُـعَـاوِيَـةَ فِـي خِـطَـابَـاتِـهِ بِـشَـيْءٍ مِـنَ الـطَّـعْـنِ وَتَـعْـلَـمُـونَ أَنِّـي كُـنْـتُ قَـدْ أَقَـمْـتُ زَمَـنًـا فِـي إِقْـلِـيـمِ بَـلُـوشِـسْـتَـانَ وَكَـانَـتْ تَـرْبِـطُـنِـي بِـعُـلَـمَـائِـهِـمْ صَـدَاقَـةٌ قَـوِيَّـةٌ

,,There is no objection, at this point, for me to tell you about an event that happened to me, although I have told it to many friends before. In the early days of the revolution, Imam Khumaini used to attack Mu’awiyah by name in his sermons and you know that I lived in Baluchistan for a while and I had a deep friendship with their scholars.”

وَكَـانَ الْـعُـلَـمَـاءُ الـسُّـنَّـةُ هُـنَـاكَ يُـقَـدِّسُـونَ مُـعَـاوِيَـةَ لِـذَا قُـلْـتُ لِـلْإِمَـامِإِنَّ فِـي شَـرْقِ الْـبِـلَادِ مِـئَـاتُ الْـمَـلَايِــينَ مِـمَّـنْ يُـقَـدِّسُ مُـعَـاوِيَـةَ بَـلْ يَـعُـدُّونَـهُ خَـالَ الْـمُـؤْمِـنِـيـنَ بِـغَـضِّ الـنَّـظَـرِ عَـنْ صِـحَّـةِ الْـمُـعْـتَـقَـدِ مِـنْ عَـدَمِـهِ فَـهَـذِهِ قَـضِـيَّـةٌ مَـتْـرُوكَـةٌ إِلَـى حَـلَـقَاتِ الْـبَـحْـثِ وَالـتَّـحْـقِـيـقِ وَإِنَّ مُـعْـظَـمَ سُـكَّـانِ الْـهِـنْـدِ وَبَـاكِـسْـتَـانَ وَبَـنْـغْـلَادَشَ وَأَفْـغَـانِـسْـتَـانَ هُـمْ مِـنَ الْأَحْـنَـافِ وَهُـمْ يُـقَـدِّسُـونَ مُـعَـاوِيَـةَ وَهُـنَـا رَدَّ الْإِمَـامُ الْـخُـمَـيْـنِـيُّ رَحِـمَـهُ الـلَّـهُعَـجِـيـبٌ لَـمْ أكُـنْ أَعْـلَـمُ بِـهَـذَا وَلَـمْ أرَ الْإِمَـامَ بَـعْـدَ ذَلِـكَ الْـيَـوْمِ يَـتَـعَـرَّضُ لِـمُـعَـاوِيَـةَ طِـيـلَـةَ الْـعَـشَـرَةِ أَوِ الْأَحَـدَ عَـشَـرَ عَـامًـا

,,The Sunni scholars there considered Mu’awiyah as their sanctity and for this reason I said to the Imam: ﴾In the east of the lands there are a hundred million of those who consider Mu’awiyah as their sanctity. They even regard him as the uncle of the believers. Regardless of whether this belief is correct or not, for that is a matter to be left to the processes of research and examination. The majority of the inhabitants of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan are Hanafites and consider Mu’awiyah as their sanctity.﴿ At this point, Imam Khumaini replied, God rest his soul: ﴾Strange. I did not know that.﴿ And I saw that the Imam did not oppose Mu’awiyah after that day during the ten or eleven years.” [Nosos.Net, 9/27/12]


The link to the Persian speech can be found on the official website [here!]. The Arabic version can be found [here!]. Imamite narratives about the general permissibility of mourning for the infallible can be found [here!]. The legitimacy for the public denigration of the innovators can be found [here!].

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