Muhammad Al-Hurr Al-Amili writes:

باب أنه يحرم على المرأة شرب الدواء لطرح الحمل ولو نطفة

Chapter: It is forbidden for a woman to take a substance to rid herself of pregnancy, and that even at a drop

٣٥٠٦٣ ١ – محمد بن علي بن الحسين باسناده عن الحسين بن سعيد، عن ابن أبي عمير، عن محمد بن أبي حمزة، وحسين الرواسي جميعا، عن إسحاق بن عمار قالقلت لأبي الحسن عليه السلامالمرأة تخاف الحبل فتشرب الدواء فتلقي ما في بطنها قاللا فقلتإنما هو نطفة فقالإن أول ما يخلق نطفة أقولوتقدم ما يدل على ذلك عموما ويأتي ما يدل عليه

1/35063 – Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Husain reported with his chain to Husain Ibn Sa’id who reported from Ibn Abi Umair who reported from Muhammad Ibn Abi Hamzah and Husain Ar-Rawwasi all who reported from Ishaq Ibn Ammar that he said: ,,I said to Abu l-Hasan (Al-Kazim): ﴾A woman is afraid of pregnancy. So she takes a substance, whereupon she gets rid of what is in her belly.﴿ He said: ﴾No.﴿ Then I said: ﴾It is but a drop.﴿ So he said: ﴾The first thing that is created is a drop.﴿” I say: ,,And it preceded what generally points to it, and it will follow what points to it.” [Wasa’il-ush-Shi’ah, Vol. 29, page 25 – 26]


The blood money for killing before the fortieth day of pregnancy is twenty gold coins (Al-Wasa’il, vol. 29, p. 312, h. 35674).

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