Ya’qub Ibn Adh-Dahhak reported that someone mentioned some people in the presence of  Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) and said: “I said to him (Imam Sadiq): We are distancing ourselves from them. They don’t say what we say. He (Imam Sadiq) said: “They are close to us, but they do not say what you say and you distance yourselves from them? I said: Yes. He said: So this is how it is. We have what you do not have, should we also distance ourselves from you? Until he said: Be close to them, and dont take any distance from them. Among the Muslims is the one who has a share and among them is the one who has two shares and among them is the one who has three shares and among them is the one who has four shares and among them is the one who has five shares and among them is the one who has six shares and among them is the one who has seven shares. The one who has a share shall not bear, what the one bears, that has two shares and the one who has two shares shall not bear, what the one bears, that has three shares and the one who has three shares shall not bear, what the one bears, that has four shares and the one who has four shares shall not bear, what the one bears, who has five shares, and the one who has five shares shall not bear, what the one bears, that has six shares and the one who has six shares shall not bear, what the one bears, who has seven shares.and I will tell you a likeness: A man had a neighbour who was a Nazarene. Therefore he invited him to Islam and represented it in a beautiful way, whereupon the Nazarene accepted it. Early in the morning the man came to him and knocked on his door. The Nazarene was saying, “Who is there? The man said, “I am he so and so.” The Nazarene said: “What do you need? The man said: “Do the washing, put on your robe and accompany us to prayer! Then he did the washing and put on his robe and went out with him. Both prayed in the measure that God wanted. Then they prayed the morning prayer. Then they stayed until daylight came out. The one who was a Nazarene stood up and was about to go to his house when the man said to him: ” Where to? The day is short and the time between noon and afternoon is short. Then he sat with him until they had finished the noon prayer. Then he said, “The time between noon and afternoon is short.” So he stopped him until he had done the afternoon prayer. Then he got up and wanted to go to his house, but the man said to him: “This is the last part of the day and shorter than the first part. So he stopped him until he had finished his evening prayer. Then he got up and wanted to go to his house, but the man said to him, “There is only one prayer left! So he stayed until he had finished the night prayer. Then they both parted their ways. When the next morning dawned, he knocked on his door again and said, “Who is there? The man said, “I am he so and so.” The Nazarene said: “What do you need? The man said: “Do the washing, put on your robe and come out to prayer! The Nazarene said: “Find someone for this religion who has more free time than I do, for I am a man in need and have to take care of my relatives”. Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) said: ” He made him join something and drove him out of it. Or he said, “He brought him into something like this and drove him out of something like this.” [Wasa’il-ush-Shi’ah of Al-Hurr Al-Amili, vol. 16 page 160 Hadith 3]

وعن أبي علي الأشعري، عن محمد بن عبد الجبار، وعن محمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى جميعا، عن ابن فضال، عن حسن بن الجهم، عن أبي اليقظان عن يعقوب بن الضحاك، عن رجل عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام في حديث أنه جرى ذكر قوم، قال: فقلت له: إنا لنبرأ منهم إنهم لا يقولون ما نقول، قال: فقال: يتولونا ولا يقولون ما تقولون تبرأون منهم؟ قلت: نعم، قال: فهو ذا عندنا ما ليس عندكم فينبغي لنا أن نبرأ منكم – إلى أن قال: – فتولوهم ولا تبرأوا منهم إن من المسلمين من له سهم، ومنهم من له سهمان، ومنهم من له ثلاثة أسهم، ومنهم من له أربعة أسهم، ومنهم من له خمسة أسهم، ومنهم من له ستة أسهم، ومنهم من له سبعة أسهم، فليس ينبغي أن يحمل صاحب السهم على ما عليه صاحب السهمين ولا صاحب السهمين على ما عليه صاحب الثلاثة، ولا صاحب الثلاثة على ما عليه صاحب الأربعة ولا صاحب الأربعة، على ما عليه صاحب الخمسة، ولا صاحب الخمسة على ما عليه صاحب الستة، ولا صاحب الستة على ما عليه صاحب السبعة، وسأضرب لك مثلا، إن رجلا كان له جار وكان نصرانيا فدعاه إلى الاسلام وزينه له فأجابه، فأتاه سحيرا فقرع عليه الباب، فقال: من هذا؟ قال: أنا فلان، قال: وما حاجتك؟ قال توضأ والبس ثوبيك ومر بنا إلى الصلاة، قال: فتوضأ ولبس ثوبيه وخرج معه، قال: فصليا ما شاء، الله ثم صليا الفجر، ثم مكثا حتى أصبحا، فقام الذي كان نصرانيا يريد منزله، فقال له الرجل: أين تذهب؟ النهار قصير، والذي بينك وبين الظهر قليل، قال: فجلس معه إلى أن صلى الظهر، ثم قال: وما بين الظهر والعصر قليل، فاحتبسه حتى صلى العصر، قال: ثم قام وأراد أن ينصرف إلى منزله فقال له: ان هذا آخر النهار وأقل من أوله، فاحتبسه حتى صلى المغرب، ثم أراد أن ينصرف إلى منزله فقال له: إنما بقيت صلاة واحدة، قال: فمكث حتى صلى العشاء الآخرة ثم تفرقا، فلما كان سحيرا غدا عليه فضرب عليه الباب، فقال: من هذا؟ قال: أنا فلان، قال: وما حاجتك؟ قال: توضأ والبس ثوبيك واخرج فصل، قال: اطلب لهذا الدين من هو أفرغ مني، وأنا إنسان مسكين وعلي عيال، فقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: أدخله في شئ أخرجه منه، أو قال: أدخله من مثل ذه وأخرجه من مثل هذا

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