
Some followers of Umar claim that according to the Qur’an, succession would take place through the counseling of believers and quotes: “And those who listen to their Lord and perform prayer, settle their affairs through counseling, and donate of what We have bestowed upon them.” [Ash-Shura 42:38] Is this really about succession?


The reason why the wanderers must resort to such means is the fact that it never happened in human history that a prophet left his succession to consultation. An attentive reader who would take a closer look at the chapter in question would certainly not think that anything would have changed in God’s way of dealing with it:

“And whatever is bestowed upon you is the profit of this life. But what is with Allah is better and more lasting for those who believe and trust in their Lord, those who avoid the grave sins and the shameful deeds and, when they are angry, forgive (rather); And those who listen to their Lord and keep up prayer, settle their affairs by consultation, and donate from what We have bestowed on them; And those who, when injustice befalls them, help themselves. A wicked deed shall be rewarded with something like evil. But he who forgives and makes amends has his reward in God’s hands. He does not love those who do wrong. And those who help themselves after injustice has been done to them cannot be prosecuted.” [Ash-Shura 42:36-41]

فما أوتيتم من شيء فمتاع الحياة الدنيا وما عند الله خير وأبقى للذين آمنوا وعلى ربهم يتوكلون والذين يجتنبون كبائر الإثم والفواحش وإذا ما غضبوا هم يغفرون والذين استجابوا لربهم وأقاموا الصلاة وأمرهم شورى بينهم ومما رزقناهم ينفقون والذين إذا أصابهم البغي هم ينتصرون وجزاء سيئة سيئة مثلها فمن عفا وأصلح فأجره على الله إنه لا يحب الظالمين ولمن انتصر بعد ظلمه فأولئك ما عليهم من سبيل

“It is because of the mercy of God that you were kind to them. If you had been rude and hard-hearted, they would have run away around you. So forgive them and ask forgiveness for them, and consult them on matters. And when you have made up your mind, trust in God. God loves those who trust.” [Al Imran 3:159]

فبما رحمة من الله لنت لهم ولو كنت فظا غليظ القلب لانفضوا من حولك فاعف عنهم واستغفر لهم وشاورهم في الأمر فإذا عزمت فتوكل على الله إن الله يحب المتوكلين

Abu Al-Hasan Al-Qummi writes: “It is better for those who listen to their Lord with regard to the exaltation of the Imam to pray and settle their affairs through counsel by accepting what they have been commanded to do and consulting with the Imam with regard to their matters of faith needed by him, just as God said: “But if they had brought it before the messengers and before those among them who are in authority, those among them who could unveil it would surely know.” (4:83) [Tafsir Al-Qummi, Volume 2, page 277]

قال الشيخ أبو الحسن القمي رضي الله عنه: والذين استجابوا لربهم قال: في إقامة الامام وأقاموا الصلاة وأمرهم شورى بينهم اي يقبلون ما أمروا به ويشاورون الامام فيما يحتاجون إليه من امر دينهم كما قال الله: ولو ردوه إلى الرسول وإلى اولي الامر منهم

Fadl Ibn Hasan reported that the Prophet Muhammad (s.) said: “There is no man who holds a consultation with another without being led to right change.” [Majma’-ul-Bayan by Abu Ali At-Tabarsi, Volume 9 Page 57]

عن فضل بن حسن رضي الله عنه قال: وقد روي عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنّه قال: ما من رجل يشاور أحداً إلا هدي إلى الرشد

The followers of Umar also mention the opposite.

Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.) reported that he spoke to the Prophet Muhammad (s.): “O Messenger of God, what happens when we are confronted with a matter about which nothing has been revealed in the Qur’an and which is not to be found in your Sunnah? He replied: “Consult between the believing servants of God on this and do not base the solution to this matter on a personal opinion.” [Ad-Durr-ul-Manthur of As-Suyuti, vol. 6 page 407]

 وأخرج الخطيب وابن عساكر عن علي قال: يا رسول الله أرأيت ان عرض علينا أمر لم ينزل فيه قرآن ولم يقض فيه سنة منك قال تجعلونه شورى بين العابدين من المؤمنين ولا تقضونه برأي خاصة

Abdullah Ibn Abbas reported that he spoke to the Prophet Muhammad (s.): “O Messenger of God, what to do when we are confronted with a matter about which nothing has been revealed in the Qur’an and which is not to be found in your Sunnah? He replied: “You should consult between the faithful servants of God on this and not base the solution to this matter on a personal opinion.” [Majma’-uz-Zawa’id of Al-Haitami, Volume 1, page 178]

وعن ابن عباس قال قلت يا رسول الله أرأيت ان عرض لنا أمر لم ينزل فيه قرآن ولم تمض فيه سنة منك قال تجعلونه شورى بين العابدين من المؤمنين ولا تقضونه برأي خاصة

So if the consultation is not about appointing a successor, how do we know when the succession will be established? The Qur’an itself gives us information about this:

“God has promised those of you who believe and work righteous deeds that He will appoint them successors on earth, just as He has appointed those who lived before them as successors.” [An-Nur 24:55]

وعد الله الذين آمنوا منكم وعملوا الصالحات ليستخلفنهم في الأرض كما استخلف الذين من قبلهم

Now we have to ask ourselves how those who lived before them were appointed? Did a consultation take place, as the misguided claim, or were they appointed by God Himself?

“It is I who appoint a successor on earth.” [Al-Baqarah 2:30]

إني جاعل في الأرض خليفة

“O David, We have appointed you as successor on the earth.” [Sad 38:26]

يا داوود إنا جعلناك خليفة في الأرض

And Moses said to his brother Aaron: “Be my successor among my people.” [Al-A’raf 7:142]

وقال موسى لأخيه هارون اخلفني في قومي

“God has chosen Adam, Noah, the family of Abraham and the family of Imran before all the inhabitants of the world.” [Al Imran 3:33]

إن الله اصطفى آدم ونوحا وآل إبراهيم وآل عمران على العالمين

He said: “I will make you an Imam to mankind.” He (Abraham) said: “And also some of my offspring?” He said: “But my covenant does not extend to those who do wrong.” [Al-Baqarah 2:124]

قال إني جاعلك للناس إماما قال ومن ذريتي قال لا ينال عهدي الظالمين

“God accepted the covenant of the children of Israel. And We raised up from their ranks twelve leaders.” [Al-Ma’idah 5:12]

ولقد أخذ الله ميثاق بني إسرائيل وبعثنا منهم اثني عشر نقيبا

“And We have appointed from their ranks Imams, who guided by Our Command.” [As-Sajdah 32:24]

وجعلنا منهم أئمة يهدون بأمرنا

And their prophet said to them: “God has appointed Talut as king over you.” They said: “How should he receive the kingdom over us, when we are more entitled to the kingdom than he is, and he has not been given a considerable fortune?” He said: “God has chosen him before you and has also given him a greater measure of knowledge and body stature. And God gives His royal rule to whom He wills. And God embraces and knows everything.” [Al-Baqarah 2:247]

وقال لهم نبيهم إن الله قد بعث لكم طالوت ملكا قالوا أنى يكون له الملك علينا ونحن أحق بالملك منه ولم يؤت سعة من المال قال إن الله اصطفاه عليكم وزاده بسطة في العلم والجسم والله يؤتي ملكه من يشاء والله واسع عليم

“Your Lord creates and chooses what He wants. But they do not have the choice. Praise be to God! And He is exalted above that which they (associate with Him).” [Al-Qasas 28:68]

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