What is meant by the term “Nasibi” (ناصبي)?
The word “nasibi” (ناصبي) or also “nasib” (ناصب) is the singular of “nawasib” (نواصب) or also “nussab” (نصّاب) and comes from the verb “nasaba” (نصب), which means “to raise”, “to set up” or “to erect”, as it can be read in the 19th verse of the 88th chapter “Al-Ghashiyah” with reference to the mountains.
Abdullah Ibn Ja’far reported that Imam Al-Hasan (a.) said: ,,People are only of three: – A believer (Mu’min) who recognizes our right and is our submitter, who emulates us – and this one is the saved and a lover of God and of me, – the one who sets up (Nasib) enmity towards us, who renounces us, curses us, declaring the shedding of our blood to be permitted (Halal), denying our rights and following the religion of God by keeping distance (Bara’ah) from us – and this one is an unbeliever (kafir) and associate (mushrik) and solely disbelieving and associating, without realizing it and associates with God precisely without knowledge, as they revile God without knowledge out of transgression, – and someone, who adheres, to what there is nothing different about, leaves the knowledge of that, which causes him problems, to God with the closeness to us, who does not emulate us, who does not take us as his enemies and does not recognize our right and we wish, that God may forgive him and let him enter paradise, because this one is a weak Muslim.” [Al-Ihtijaj of At-Tabarsi, vol. 2, p. 7]
عن سليم بن قيس عن عبد الله بن جعفر بن أبي طالب عن الإمام الحسن عليه السلام قال: إنما الناس ثلاثة مؤمن يعرف حقنا ويسلم لنا ويأتم بنا، فذلك ناج محب لله ولي وناصب لنا العداوة يتبرأ منا ويلعننا ويستحل دمائنا، ويجحد حقنا، ويدين الله بالبرائة منا، فهذا كافر مشرك، وانما كفر واشرك من حيث لا يعلم كما يسبوا الله عدوا بغير علم، كذلك يشرك بالله بغير علم ورجل آخذ بما لا يختلف فيه ورد علم ما اشكل عليه إلى الله مع ولايتنا ولا يأتم بنا ولا يعادينا ولا يعرف حقنا، فنحن نرجو ان يغفر الله له ويدخله الجنة فهذا مسلم ضعيف
Sulaim Ibn Qais reported that he asked Imam Ali (a.): ,,O Commander of the Believers, have you seen him who stopped and did not emulate you and did not take you as enemies and did not set up (Nasib) enmity towards you and was not a fanatic and did not come into your closeness (Wilayah) and did not distance himself (Bara’ah) from your enemies and said: ,,I do not know.” While he was sincere?” He said: ,,These do not belong to the 73 groups. By the 73 groups, the Messenger (s.) meant only the rebellious who set up (Nasib) enmity, who publicly displayed themselves and called for their religion. One group of them follows the religion of the Most Merciful and the other 72 follow the religion of Satan and are close to the one who accepted them and renounce the one who opposed them.” [Kitab Sulaim, page 170 Hadith 7]
عن أبان بن أبي عياش عن سلبم بن قيس عن الإمام علي عليه السلام قال: فقلت يا أمير المؤمنين أرأيت من قد وقف فلم يأتم بكم ولم يعادكم ولم ينصب لكم ولم يتعصب ولم يتولكم ولم يتبرء من عدوكم وقال لا أدري وهو صادق؟ قال: ليس اولئك من الثلاث والسبعين فرقة، إنما عنى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله بالثلاث والسبعين فرقة الباغين الناصبين الذين قد شهروا أنفسهم ودعوا إلى دينهم. ففرقة واحدة منها تدين بدين الرحمن واثنتان وسبعون تدين بدين الشيطان وتتولى على قبولها وتتبرأ ممن خالفها
Abdullah Ibn Sinan reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said: ,,The one who sets up (Nasib) enmity is not the one who sets it up against us, the people of the house, because you will not find a man who says: i hate Muhammad and the family of Muhammad. But the one who sets up (Nasib) enmity is the one who sets it up to you, knowing that you are close to us and that you are one of our followers (Shi’ah).” [Ilal-ush-Shara’i from As-Saduq, page 585 Hadith 60]
عن عبد الله بن سنان عن الإمام الصادق عليه السلام قال: ليس الناصب من نصب لنا أهل البيت لأنك لا تجد رجلا يقول أنا أبغض محمدا وآل محمد ولكن الناصب من نصب لكم وهو يعلم انكم تتولونا وانكم من شيعتنا
Al-Hasan Al-Askari (a.) reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said: ,,Among them (the scholars), are those who set up (Nasib) enmity, who are incapable of criticizing us. They learn some of our authentic knowledge and turn to our followers (Shi’ah) and criticize us with those who set up (Nasib) of enmity towards us. Then they add its multiple and the multiple of its multiple of lies about us with which we have nothing to do with, whereupon our devoted followers (Shi’ah) accept it as our knowledge and stray and misguide them and they are more harmful to our weak followers (Shi’ah) than the army of Yazid is to Imam Al-Husain (a.) and his companions, for they snatch their souls and possessions from them, but the plundered ones are in a better position with God for what their enemies have done to them, and these evil scholars, who set up (Nasib) enmity and who seem to be close to us and against our enemies, make our weak followers (Shi’ah) doubt and lead them astray and prevent them from the truth. It is not the fault of those ordinary people whose hearts God knew that he had no other intention than to preserve His religion and honour His loved ones (Wali). He does not leave him in the hands of this disguised disbeliever (Kafir), but appoints a believer (Mu’min) who stops with him at the right place. God then allows him to accept it from him, thus bringing together the salvation of this world and the hereafter, but for the one who misled him, he brings together the curse of this world and the punishment of the hereafter.” [Tafsir-ul-Imam of Al-Askari, page 301 Hadith 143]
عن الحسن العسكري عليه السلام عن الإمام الصادق عليه السلام قال: ومنهم قوم نصّاب لا يقدرون على القدح فينا يتعلمون بعض علومنا الصحيحة فيتوجهون به عند شيعتنا وينتقصون بنا عند نصّابنا ثم يضيفون إليه أضعافه وأضعاف أضعافه من الأكاذيب علينا التي نحن براء منها فيتقبله المسلمون المستسلمون من شيعتنا على أنه من علومنا فضلوا وأضلوهم وهم أضر على ضعفاء شيعتنا من جيش يزيد على الحسين بن علي عليهما السلام وأصحابه فإنهم يسلبونهم الأرواح والأموال وللمسلوبين عند الله أفضل الأحوال لما لحقهم من أعدائهم وهؤلاء علماء السوء الناصبون المشبهون بأنهم لنا موالون ولأعدائنا معادون يدخلون الشك والشبهة على ضعفاء شيعتنا فيضلونهم ويمنعونهم عن قصد الحق المصيب لا جرم أن من علم الله من قلبه من هؤلاء العوام أنه لا يريد إلا صيانة دينه وتعظيمه وليه لم يتركه في بد هذا الملبس الكافر ولكنه يقيض له مؤمنا يقف به على الصواب ثم يوفقه الله للقبول منه فيجمع له بذلك خير الدنيا والآخرة ويجمع على من أضله لعن الدنيا وعذاب الآخرة
Abu Ja’far As-Sa’igh reported that Muhammad Ibn Muslim said: ,,I came to Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) when Abu Hanifah was with him and said to him: ,,May my life be sacrificed to you, I had an amazing dream.” He said to me: ,,O son of the Muslim, read it out, because the knowledgeable one is sitting across from him.” And he pointed his hand at Abu Hanifah. I said: ,,I saw myself entering into my house when my wife came out to me and broke many nuts and sprinkled them on me, whereupon I was astonished at this dream.” Abu Hanifah said: ,,You are a man who argues and discusses with despicable people about the inheritance of your wife, but after a great deprivation you obtain what you need of it, God willing.” Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) said: ,,O Abu Hanifah, by God, you have scored.” Then Abu Hanifah left him and I said: ,,May my life be sacrificed to you, i have hated the interpretation of this who sets up (Nasib) enmity.” He said: ,,O son of Muslim, God will not let any evil befall you, for neither their interpretation is like our interpretation, nor our interpretation like their interpretation and the interpretation is not as he interpreted it.” I said: ,,May my life be sacrificed to you, but your statement was: ,,You have scored!” You swore on that and he still got it wrong?” He said: “Yes, I swore on that, that he had scored the wrong thing.” [Al-Kafi of Al-Kulaini, Volume 8 Page 157 Hadith 446]
عن أبي جعفر الصائغ عن محمد بن مسلم قال: دخلت على أبي عبد الله عليه السلام وعنده أبو حنيفة فقلت له: جعلت فداك رأيت رؤيا عجيبة فقال لي: يا ابن مسلم هاتها فإن العالم بها جالس وأومأ بيده إلى أبي حنيفة، قال: فقلت: رأيت كأني دخلت داري وإذا أهلي قد خرجت علي فكسرت جوزا كثيرا ونثرته علي، فتعجبت من هذه الرؤيا فقال أبو حنيفة أنت رجل تخاصم و تجادل لئاما في مواريث أهلك فبعد نصب شديد تنال حاجتك منها إن شاء الله، فقال: أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: أصبت والله يا أبا حنيفة، قال: ثم خرج أبو حنيفة من عنده، فقلت: جعلت فداك إني كرهت تعبير هذا الناصب، فقال: يا ابن مسلم لا يسؤك الله، فما يواطي تعبيرهم تعبيرنا ولا تعبيرنا تعبيرهم وليس التعبير كما عبره، قال: فقلت له: جعلت فداك فقولك: أصبت وتحلف عليه وهو مخطئ؟ قال: نعم حلفت عليه أنه أصاب الخطأ
Muhammad Ibn Ali reported that he asked Imam Al-Hadi (a.):,,What is the nature of the one who sets up (Nasib) enmity? Do I need to put him to the test more than that he prefers the idols (Abu Bakr) and transgressors (Umar) and believes that the two are Imams?” To this he replied: “Whoever was on it, that one is someone who sets up (Nasib) enmity.“ [Al-Hada’iq of Al-Bahrani, Volume 10 page 361]
عن محمد بن علي بن عيسى عن الإمام الهادي عليه السلام قال: كتبت إليه أسأله عن الناصب هل أحتاج في امتحانه إلى أكثر من تقديمه الجبت (أبا بكر) والطاغوت (عمر) واعتقاده بإمامتها؟ فرجع الجواب: من كان على هذه فهو ناصب
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