Ruhullah Al-Khumaini writes:
فإن الحائض كالجنب في جميع الأحكام، ومنها حرمة الوطئ بها في القبل على الرجل وعليها ويجوز الاستمتاع بغيره من التقبيل والتفخيذ ونحوهما، حتى الوطئ في دبرها على الأقوى، وإن كره كراهة شديدة، والأحوط اجتنابه، وكذا كره الاستمتاع بها بما بين السرة والركبة
“Thus the menstrual woman is in all judgments like one who is distant (junub) and to them belongs the prohibition for her and the man to have vaginal intercourse with her and allowed are other pleasures other than these, such as kissing and thighing and the likes of it, even the anal intercourse with her, according to the most established, even if it is strictly frowned upon (Makruh) and one avoids it as a precaution, and in the same way the enjoyment of her is frowned upon (Makruh) with that which lies between the navel and the knee. ” [Tahrir-ul-Wasilah, Volume 1, Page 52]

Some extremely intelligent Muslims believe that everything is practiced which is allowed, even if it is frowned upon (Makruh). Will this principle now be applied consistently to the followers of Al-Khumaini?