Abdullah Ibn Abbas considers the devil (Iblis) to be an angel


Muslims often deny that the devil, who is called “Iblis” in Arabic, was an angel, but what does the Companion Abdullah Ibn Abbas say about this?


Al-Husain Ibn Mas’ud Al-Baghawi writes: “It came to disagreement, but Abdullah Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him and the majority of the commentators (Mufassir) said: “The devil (Iblis) was one of the angels.” While Al-Hasan Al-Basri said: “He was one of the Jinn and not one of the angels, due to the statement: “Except Iblis, he was one of the Jinn and so he rebelled against the command of his Lord.” (18:50) Thus, he is originally Jinn, as Adam is originally man, and because he was created from fire, while the angels were created from light, and because he has offspring, while the angels have no offspring.” But the first view is the correct one, because it was the angels who were called to prostrate, and by the verse “he was one of the Jinn” is meant “one of the angels, who guard over Jannah (Paradise).” And Sa’id ibn Jubair said: “One of those, who are active in Jannah.” Other people said: “One of the angels, who make jewelry for the residents of Jannah.” Also people said: “A group of the angels was created from fire. They were called Jinn (Hidden) because they are hidden from sight and Iblis was one of them.” The proof of this is the verse: “They established a line of kinship between Him and the Jinn.” (37:158) For their claim was that the angels were the daughters of God. Then when God banished Him from the angels, He made sure that He had offspring.” [Ma’alim-ut-Tanzil, volume 1 page 81 – 82]

قال الحسين بن مسعود البغوي: واختلفوا فيه فقال ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما وأكثر المفسرين كان إبليس من الملائكة وقال الحسن: كان من الجن ولم يكن من الملائكة لقوله تعالى إلا إبليس كان من الجن ففسق عن أمر ربه فهو أصل الجن كما أن آدم أصل الإنس ولأنه خلق من النار والملائكة خلقوا من النور ولأن له ذرية ولا ذرية للملائكة والأول أصح لأن خطاب السجود كان مع الملائكة وقوله كان من الجن أي من الملائكة الذين هم خزنة الجنة. وقال سعيد بن جبير من الذين يعملون في الجنة وقال قوم من الملائكة الذين يصوغون حلي أهل الجنة, وقيل إن فرقة من الملائكة خلقوا من النار سموا جنا لاستتارهم عن الأعين وإبليس كان منهم. والدليل عليه قوله تعالى وجعلوا بينه وبين الجنة نسبا وهو قولهم الملائكة بنات الله ولما أخرجه الله من الملائكة جعل له ذرية

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