
“If you have seen those who engage (vainly) with our signs, then turn away from them until they engage in some other conversation and if Satan makes you forget, then do not sit with the unjust people after  you have remembered.” [Al-An’am 6:68]

وإذا رأيت الذين يخوضون في آياتنا فأعرض عنهم حتى يخوضوا في حديث غيره وإما ينسينك الشيطان فلا تقعد بعد الذكرى مع القوم الظالمين


Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) reported that Imam Zain-ul-Abidin (a.) said: “It is not for you to sit with whomever you want, for God says: ﴾If you have seen those who engage (vainly) with our signs, then turn away from them until they engage in some other conversation and if Satan makes you forget, then do not sit with the unjust people after you have remembered.﴿” (6:68) [Ilal-ush-Shara’i of As-Saduq, Volume 2 page 605 – 606]

عن جعفر الصادق عليه السلام عن الإمام زين العابدين عليه السلام قال: ليس لك أن تقعد مع من شئت لأن الله تبارك وتعالى يقول إذا رأيت الذين يخوضون في آياتنا فاعرض عنهم حتى يخوضوا في حديث غيره وأما ينسينك الشيطان فلا تقعد بعد الذكرى مع القوم الظالمين

It was reported to Rib’i, that Imam Al-Baqir (a.) said about the verse: (When you have seen those who engaged (vainly) with our signs﴿ (6:68) Said: “The speaking about God and the disputing about the Qur’an.” And: ﴾Then turn away from them until they engage in some other conversation.﴿ (6:68) He said: “Among them are the narrators of stories.” Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi writes: “The narrators of the stories are the opposing scholars, for they are like narrators of stories and lies, on which they build their knowledge and interpret the verses with assumptions and imaginations and their aberration from the people of the House (a.) and examining the attributes of the Essence (of God).” [Bihar-ul-Anwar, Vol. 3 page 260]

عن ربعي عمن ذكره عن أبي جعفر عليه‌ السلام في قول الله وإذا رأيت الذين يخوضون في آياتنا قال: الكلام في الله والجدال في القرآن فأعرض عنهم حتى يخوضوا في حديث غيره قال: منهم القصاص قال محمد باقر المجلسي: القصاص علماء المخالفين فإنهم كرواة القصص والاكاذيب فيما يبنون عليه علومهم وهم يخوضون في تفاسير الآيات وتحقيق صفات الذات بالظنون والاوهام لانحرافهم عن أهل البيت صلوات الله عليهم

Abd-ul-A’la Ibn A’yan reported that Prophet Muhammad (s.) said: “Whoever believed in God and the Last Day does not sit in a meeting where an Imam is being insulted or a Muslim is being slandered. God said in His Book: ﴾If you have seen those who engage (vainly) with our signs, then turn away from them until they engage in another conversation and if Satan makes you forget, then do not sit with the unjust people after you have remembered. ﴿” (6:68) Ali Ibn Ibrahim Al-Qummi writes: “As for the verse: ﴾If you have seen those who engage (vainly) with our signs, then turn away from them until they engage in another conversation.﴿ (6:68) So this refers to those who deny the Qur’an and entertain themselves. Then He said: ﴾If at that time Satan made you forget what I commanded you, then do not sit with the unjust people after you have remembered.﴿” (6:68) [Tafsir-ul-Qummi, Volume 1 page 204]

عن عبد الأعلى بن أعين عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فلا يجلس في مجلس يسب فيه إمام أو يغتاب فيه مسلم إن الله يقول في كتابه فإذا رأيت الذين يخوضون في آياتنا إلى آخره قال علي بن إبراهيم القمي قوله وإذا رأيت الذين يخوضون في آياتنا فأعرض عنهم حتى يخوضوا في حديث غيره يعني الذين يكذبون بالقرآن ويستهزؤن، ثم قال فإن أنساك الشيطان في ذلك الوقت عما أمرتك به فلا تقعد بعد الذكرى مع القوم الظالمين

Fadl Ibn Hasan reported that Imam Al-Baqir (a.) said: “When the verse was revealed: ﴾Then do not sit with the unjust people after you have remembered.﴿ (6:68) The Muslims said: ﴾What do we do, when we get up and leave them every time the associates (mushrik) make fun of the Qur’an, such that we then neither enter the sacred house of prayer nor circumambulate around the sacred house?﴿ To this God revealed: ﴾There is nothing on those who fear from their reckoning.﴿ ﴿ Hereupon God revealed: ﴾On those, who are fearful (of God), they are not held accountable for them.﴿ (6:69) He commanded them, their remembrance and expansion of vision, as they were able to do.” [Majma’-ul-Bayan of At-Tabarsi, Volume 4 page 80]

عن فضل بن حسن عن الإمام الباقر عليه السلام قال: لما نزلت فلا تقعد بعد الذكرى مع القوم الظالمين قال المسلمون كيف نصنع إن كان كلما استهزأ المشركون بالقرآن قمنا وتركناهم، فلا ندخل إذا المسجد الحرام، ولا نطوف بالبيت الحرام؟ فأنزل الله سبحانه وما على الذين يتقون من حسابهم من شئ أمرهم بتذكيرهم وتبصيرهم ما استطاعوا

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