“Is then he, who was dead, but whom we then made alive and provided him with a light, that he may walk therein among the people, to be compared with him who is in the darkness and cannot come out of it? Thus has it been made alluring to the disbelievers, that which they used to do.” [Al-An’am 6:122]

أومن كان ميتا فأحييناه وجعلنا له نورا يمشي به في الناس كمن مثله في الظلمات ليس بخارج منها كذلك زين للكافرين ما كانوا يعملون

Buraid Al-Ijli reported that Imam Al-Baqir (a.) mentioned the verse: “Is then he, who was dead.” (6:122) He said: “The dead is he, who does not recognise this matter. Do you know what is meant by the dead?” I said: ” No, my life is sacrificed to you.” He said: “The dead is he, who completely lacks the knowledge: but whom We then made alive.” Through this matter (wilayah): “And provided him with a light, that he may walk therein among the people.” An Imam, whom he follows: “To be compared with him, who is in the darkness and cannot come out of it?” Is he to be compared to the creatures who do not recognise the Imam?” [Tafsir-ul-Ayyashi, vol. 1, page 375 – 376, hadith 89]

عن بريد العجلي عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: قال: أو من كان ميتا فأحييناه وجعلنا له نورا يمشى به في الناس قال: الميت الذي لا يعرف هذا الشأن، قال: أتدري ما يعنى ميتا؟ قال: قلت جعلت فداك لا قال: الميت الذي لا يعرف شيئا فأحييناه بهذا الامر، وجعلنا له نورا يمشى به في الناس، قال: اماما يأتم به، قال: كمن مثله في الظلمات ليس بخارج منها قال: كمثل هذا الخلق الذي لا يعرفون الامام

Ali Ibn Musa reported that a disciple of Jesus (a.) said to him: “My Lord, first allow me to go to bury my father!” Jesus (a.) said to him: “Let the dead bury their dead and follow me!” [Sa’d-us-Su’ud by Ibn Tawus, page 129]

عن علي بن موسى أن أحدا من تلاميذ عيسى عليه السلام قال له: ائذن لي أولا يا سيدي أن أمضي فأواري أبي فقال له عيسى عليه السلام: دع الموتى يدفنون موتاهم واتبعني

Buraid Al-Ijli reported, that he asked Imam Al-Baqir (a.) about the verse: “Is he then, who was dead, but whom We then made alive.” (6:122) He said: “The dead is he who does not recognise this matter (wilayah): “And provided with a light.” An Imam whom he follows, by which is meant Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.).” I asked him about His statement: “(Is he) to be compared with him who is in the darkness and cannot come out of it?” He said so and so with His hand: “The creatures who are completely lacking in knowledge.” [Tafsir-ul-Ayyashi, vol. 1, page 376, hadith 90]

وفى رواية أخرى عن بريد العجلي قال: سألت أبا جعفر عليه السلام عن قول الله أو من كان ميتا فأحييناه وجعلنا له نورا يمشى به في الناس قال: الميت الذي لا يعرف هذا الشأن، يعنى هذا الامر وجعلنا له نورا اماما يأتم به يعنى علي بن أبي طالب، قلت: فقوله: كمن مثله في الظلمات ليس بخارج منها فقال بيده هكذا هذا الخلق الذي لا يعرفون شيئا

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