Companions / الصّحابة

- Abu Hurairah is a liar -

- Abu Hurairah the enemy of God -

- Ali about Abu Bakr and Umar -

- Ibn Kathir confesses that some statements come from Jewish sources -

- Companions are disbelievers -

- Al-Mufid declares Abu Bakr and Umar as the inhabitants of hell -

- Al-Majlisi declares Abu Bakr and Umar as disbelievers -

- As-Saduq distances himself from Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman -

- The first inhabitants of hell -

- Talhah became a Jew -

- Inhabitant of hell strengthens Islam -

- Son of Umar in hell -

- The four generations -

- Companions of paradise -

- Umm Ayman is in paradise -

- Knowledge of Salman -

- Hypocrites among the Companions -

- Distorters of the message -

- Sparing the hypocrites? -

- How Ibn Hazm justified the violence by Abu Bakr -

- The companions (Sahabah) expressed their own opinions about the religion -

- Honor as a widow? -

- Ten Promised of Paradise? -

- They insult Aminah -

- Al-Qumi about the betrayal of A’ishah with her cousin -

– Ali praises Abu bakr? –

– Prophet praises Abu bakr? –

- Praise from Imam Al-Hasan? -

- Praise from Imam Al-Baqir? -

- Praise from Imam As-Sadiq? -

- The sanctuaries of God and their desecration by the nation -

- Yazid murders the people of Medina -

- People of Basra and Syria are disbelievers? -

– Abu Talib –

– Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Quhafah –

– Umar Ibn Al-Khattab –

– Uthman Ibn Affan –

– A’ishah Bint Abi Bakr –

– Mu’awiyah Ibn Abi Sufyan –

– Khalid Ibn Al-Walid –

- The companions spoke the truth, those who are like stars -

- Do not insult the companions, except the innovators of them -

- The companions are the saved group, those who follow Ali after me -

- Response to the claim that all sahaba besides three people apostated -

- Was Wahb Al-Kalbi a Muslim? -