Imitation / التّقليد

- Beware of imitation (Taqlid) -

- Imitating (taqlid) your ancestors -

- Early scholars on the issue of blind imitation -

- Al-Mufid on imitation -

- At-Tusi on imitation -

- Al-Kulaini on imitation -

- Al-Amili on imitation -

- Al-Jaza’iri on imitation -

- Al-Majlisi on imitation -

- Imam As-Sadiq on imitation -

- The Prophet (s.) on imitation -

- Imam Al-Askari on imitation -

- Al-Istarabadi on the imitators -

- Al-Halabi on the questioned people of the reminder [16:43] -

- Do you want to be an imam? -

- Do the believers let their dispute be settled by the state? -
- Al-Mufid refutes the propaganda that imitation (Taqlid) is obligatory -

- Al-Majlisi negates the definition of jurisprudence -

- Al-Majlisi excuses following legal opinions that do not mention evidence? -

- At-Tusi puts the incompetent people with the animal kingdom -

- Why Al-Khu’i believes that imitating him (Taqlid) is in the Qur’an -

- Nasir Makarim Ash-Shirazi on imitation (Taqlid) -

- Al-Muzaffar believes that deeds are lost without a scholar -

- Should one listen blindly to the doctors, since one is not an expert? -

- Jasim Al-Wa’ili refutes the lie that no Shiite rejects imitation (taqlid) -

- My scholar is not mistaken, everything he says, the Prophet has said? -

 - Al-Murtada does not believe, that the Qur’an says that one must imitate the warner -

- The classical definition of Taqlid -

- The tradition of Imam Hasan Al-Askari (a) on Taqlid -

- Taqlid in the time of our Imams (a) -

- The forbidden Taqlid -

- The meaning of Taqlid in the narration of Imam Al-Askari -

- Letter of twelfth Imam -

- Are mujtahideen narrators of sayings (hadith)? -

- Wrong obedience -