Jabir Ibn Yazid reported that Imam Al-Kazim (a.) said: „God created the light of Muhammad (s.) from a light, which He brought forward from the light of His glory and splendor and this is the light of His divinity, which originated from the divine being, thus from His divinity, from His thisness, which originated from Him and through this He manifested Himself to Moses, the son of Imran (a.) on Mount Sinai, whereupon he did not remain in his place and Moses (a.) could not bear his vision, and he could not stand it, so he fell to the ground powerless and as if struck by lightning (7:143), and that light was Muhammad (s.). When God wanted to create Muhammad (s.) from him, He divided that light into two parts. Then He created from the first part Muhammad (s.) and from the other part Ali, the son of Abu Talib (a.) and from that light He created no one but the two. God created it with his own hands and He breathed his own into both of them and gave them their figure. He made the two His trustees, witnesses over His creation, His eye over them and His tongue which is directed to them. He entrusted them with His knowledge, taught them the explanation, gave them insight into what He had hidden and made one of them His soul and the other His spirit. No one can endure without his company. The exterior of the two is human and the interior of the two is divine. Both manifested themselves to the creatures in human form so that they could bear their sight and that is the verse: »We would have covered them with that in which they cover themselves.«(6:9)So these two are the place of the Lord of the worlds, and the door of the Creator of all creatures. Through them God started the beginning of creation and through them He ends the realm and the destinies. Then He took from the light of Muhammad (s.) His daughter Fatimah (a.), the same way He took him out of His light and out of the light of Fatimah (a.) and Ali (a.) He took Hasan (a.) and Husain (a.),as one takes out the lamps. They were created from the lights and moved from one back to the other back and from one loin to the other and from one lap to the other lap in the highest state without any impurity (Najasah),rather from one transmission to another transmission, neither from a despicable liquid nor from a lowly drop, like the rest of His creation, but rather from lights that passed from the loins of the pure to the laps of the pure, for they are the most excellent of the exalted. God chose them and made them the guardians of His knowledge and His arguments to His creatures. He declared them to be His representatives because He is invisible and incomprehensible and His nature and thisness is not recognizable. So these are the speakers, announcers and responsible persons concerning his commandment and prohibition. Through them he reveals his power, through them one sees his signs and miracles, through them and by them he made himself known to his servants and through them his command is obeyed. If it had not been for them, God would not have been known and it would not have been known how to serve the Most Merciful. Thus God enforces His command as He willed with regard to what He wanted. He is not called to account for what He does while they are called to account.”[Ta’wil-ul-Ayat of Sharaf-ud-Din, page 393 – 395]
عن جابر بن يزيد عن الإمام الكاظم عليه السلام أنه قال: إن الله تبارك وتعالى خلق نور محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم من نور اخترعه من نور عظمته وجلاله وهو نور لاهوتيته الذي ابتدأ من لاه أي من إلاهيته من إينيته الذي ابتدأ منه وتجلى لموسى بن عمران عليه السلام به في طور سيناء فما استقر له ولا طاق موسى لرؤيته ولا ثبت له حتى خر صاعقا مغشيا عليه وكان ذلك النور محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم فلما أراد الله أن يخلق محمدا منه قسم ذلك النور شطرين فخلق من الشطر الأول محمدا ومن الشطر الآخر علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام ولم يخلق من ذلك النور غيرهما خلقها الله بيده ونفخ فيهما بنفسه من نفسه لنفسه وصورهما على صورتهما وجعلهما أمناء له وشهداء على خلقه وخلفاء على خليقته وعينا له عليهم ولسانا له إليهم قد استودع فيهما علمه وعلمهما البيان واستطلعهما على غيبه وجعل أحدهما نفسه والآخر روحه لا يقوم واحد بغير صاحبه ظاهرهما بشرية وباطنهما لاهوتية ظهرا للخلق على هياكل الناسوتية حتى يطيقوا رؤيتهما وهو قوله تعالى وللبسنا عليهم ما يلبسون فهما مقام رب العالمين وحجاب خالق الخلائق أجمعين بهما فتح الله بدء الخلق وبهما يختم الملك والمقادير ثم اقتبس من نور محمد فاطمة ابنته كما اقتبس نوره من نوره واقتبس من نور فاطمة وعلي الحسن والحسين كاقتباس المصابيح هم خلقوا من الأنوار وانتقلوا من ظهر إلى ظهر وصلب إلى صلب ومن رحم إلى رحم في الطبقة العليا من غير نجاسة بل نقلا بعد نقل لا من ماء مهين ولا من نطفة خشرة كسائر خلقه بل أنوار انتقلوا من أصلاب الطاهرين إلى أرحام المطهرون لأنهم صفوة الصفوة اصطفاهم لنفسه وجعلهم خزان علمه وبلغاء عنه إلى خلقه أقامهم مقام نفسه لأنه لا يرى ولا يدرك ولا تعرف كيفيته ولا إنيته فهؤلاء الناطقون المبلغون المتصرفون في أمره ونهيه فيهم يظهر قدرته ومنهم ترى آياته ومعجزاته وبهم ومنهم عرف عباده نفسه وبهم يطاع أمره ولولا هم ما عرف الله ولا يدرى كيف يعبد الرحمن فالله يجري أمره كيف شاء فيما يشاء لا يسأل عما يفعل وهم يسألون
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